4. Milagro Añejo Tequila

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One Saturday at the bar turned into multiple Saturday nights. Jaiden had hated the fact that Nate had forced him out every weekend for two months straight after his drunken mistake with Billy.

And to his silent disappointment, he never saw Toni within those two months. Nate had badgered him to stake out the apartment complex a couple more times, but Jaiden vehemently refused.

Nate had hoped to distract him from Billy and Toni. He had started to doubt that Toni actually existed because he seemed to have fallen from the face of the earth.

Instead, Nate had tried to make obvious efforts to have Jaiden go him with a sexy stranger, but to his dismay Jaiden refused every option. And with his good looks, he had plenty of options. In fact, Jaiden seemed to be sticking far too close to his old rules after the incident with Billy.

Jaiden had just gotten back from a two-week trip down to Las Cruces, but Nate already was pushing him out the door to a new bar. Jaiden was dressed in a tight-fitting t-shirt and pants that hung low on his hips. He wanted to take his bike to this new bar that Nate raved about. However, Nate took his keys and hid his helmet. He wanted Jaiden to get drunk, but more importantly, if he rode his bike then he would have to wear his jacket, which hide the 'goods'. Nate was adamant that he was going to let go and get laid.

Jaiden begrudgingly went with him with a sour look on his face. He enjoyed riding his motorcycle and he was worried that Nate would take him to another cheap club, and he would be stuck with the paint thinner that was posing as tequila. He was relieved when they parked off the street next to a decent looking bar.

They walked into the building and Jaiden groaned when he saw how crowded it was. At least it was a different type of crowd than the usual that Nate would take him to. His eyes scanned the area and saw Sabrina with a group of girls already at a table. She waved to him, and he and Nate made their way over.

Nate and Sabrina enjoyed their one night together, but found that they were better as friends, especially when she announced that women were more of her thing. Nate didn't let it affect his ego and they both tried to hook each other up with their friends. Now, they went out together every weekend, dragging Jaiden along.

"We got shots!" One of the girls yelled and Jaiden shuddered. He was still traumatized by the shit he drank a couple of months before.

"I'm going to grab a beer." He hit Nate on the arm. "Burro, let's go."

Nate frowned. "I know what that means, you know!"

Jaiden laughed and pulled him along to the bar. He was looking at the craft beers and Nate sighed. "Why are you looking at beers and not a potential hook up?"

"We seriously just got here." Jaiden sighed.

"You know, the girls already got shots." Nate grumbled.

Jaiden shook his head. "No shots for me tonight... or ever."

He leaned against the counter. Nate leaned next to him with a beer of his own. "Two months. Two fucking months of trying to get you to have fun and laid, but nothing."

Jaiden shrugged as a response and ordered a stout beer.

Nate gave him a skeptical look. "If you meet someone, will you actually break your rules?"

Jaiden ran his hand through his hair and looked around the bar. There were some good looking men that he would have pursued before, but now his mind kept veering off to Toni. It had been months, but Jaiden was comparing every man to him, and they all fell short.

He shook his head. "If I'm going to break a rule, I'd rather it be worthwhile."

"I'm not telling you to marry the first guy you sleep with, but just try and have a good time and take a break from work."

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