My scars

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*Kakashi pov*

Kakashi wakes up at 6:00 every morning but today he's running a little late on his normal schedule.
"Mm why... why do I have to get up.."

Kakashi looks at the time which is 6:48 and he rushes out of bed "Wait why am I rushing.. it's not like anyone cares if I'm at the announcement of the teams..." kakashi Thought. He sighed and got ready anyway.

While walking down the street to get to the academy he heard whispers,
"It's the white fangs kid..." "he looks weird..."
"Stay away you don't know what he could do"

"Shut up! Shut up!" Kakashi covered his ears and just ran to the academy leaving the whispers and voices behind. When he got
to the academy he sat down in his usual spot and set his head down in his arms.

"Why am I blamed for something someone else did.... it's not fair!..." kakashi heard his teacher walk in so he raised his
head and waited for him to announce the people he would have to put up with from now on.

"Good morning class. We'll start today by putting all of you into you're teams but I must say before we do, the
people you'll be put in teams with will be with you for a long while. Possibly years, the teams will consist of two boys
and one female because of the gender mashup we have in this specific class."

The teacher started to announce the teams and soon enough everyone had gone with their team members which left
Kakashi with a few okay options.

"Alright team 7 will consist of Obito Uciha!"

"Yes! Who's my teammates sensei!" Obito screamed running up to (name) sensei.

"Rin Nohara!"

"Oh obito! We got on the same team!" Rin walked to the boy who had a obvious blush on his face

"H-hai!" He managed

"And Kakashi Hatake!... kakashi?" Sensei looked around for him.

"Ughhhhhhh..... you've got to be kidding me.... Obito! And Rin?! Just my luck..." Kakashi walked over to
them with an annoyed expression.

Yeah...." Kakashi said disappointed

"Awww! Sensei I have to be on a team with that!?" Obito pointed to Kakashi

"Yes, yes the overall score of the class best suit you two for a milestone so get used to each other! You're Senseis outside!"

"Come on Obito this is a blessing in disguise..." Rin looked down with a blush.

The reason why Kakashi's so down about this team arrangement is because Rin has a obvious crush on him and
he doesn't feel the same but Obito likes Rin so it's just some annoying love triangle he has to deal with now.

Kakashi started walking out the classroom but his new teammates followed

"Where are we going!" Rin said excited

"To see our sensei of course" Kakashi replied

Obito wore a angry face "I don't have to follow you!" Obito stopped walking and had a pout face

"Fine with me" Kakashi kept walking and Rin followed. Soon Obito gave in and ran after them regretting his decision.
When they got outside they saw a tall blonde haired sensei waiting.

"Hello! Team 7?" The blonde asked

"Yes..." kakashi's replied

"Well my names Minato! Minato Namikaze! I'm you're new sensei!" He said excitedly.

"Hello my names Rin Nohara!"

"My names Obito Uciha! And I'm gonna be hokage one day!"

"Big dreams I like it!" Minato said while putting his hands on his hips "what about you? Uh silver hair?"

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