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Kakashi was sitting on his bed thinking about his father when he heard a knock on the door. He felt like
not answering it but the knocking continued so he just got up and opened the door anyway.

Obito was standing there with Rin and Kakashi asked.

"What do you want..?" In his most 'polite' voice

"Hey no need to be grumpy just wanna hang out" Obito raised his hands

"Yeah! We thought since were a new team we should get to know one another!" Rin said happily

"Do I have to"

"Yes you egotistical idiot now come on!" Obito grabbed his arm making Kakashi flinch because of the sudden pain but
Obito and Rin didn't notice.

"Where are we going" Kakashi asked as he loosened the grip that Obito had on his arm.

"We're going to take a walk while we share a bit no big deal" Obito said with his hands behind his head.

"I wanted to know about you're guys family!" Rin says enthusiastically

"Oh well my family's really strong! They all have unlocked their sharingan and I'm the last one sadly
to unlock it, haven't even unlocked it yet..." Obito said sadly

"It's okay! You will one day obito! And you'll be super strong as well" Rin said trying to cheer him up "what
about you Kakashi? What about you're family?"

Kakashi didn't feel comfortable telling them about his parents yet and what his dad did so he played it off.

"Their alright..." Kakashi shrugged

"Oh come on! You're family's strong? What about you're mom and dad? Or do you have any siblings?" Rin asked

"No.. I don't have any siblings..."

"That was one question. I asked three" Rin said hoping she'll get an answer.

The whole time of them sharing Kakashi was rather secretive and antisocial, only responding when they
asked him something. Obito and Rin were a bit curious and confused but Rin shrugged it off as being part of
his personality to hide things. Meanwhile Obito was curious and needed answers.

When they decided it was late Kakashi started heading home but Obito started following him.

"Ugh he's following me... better loose him to make him loose interest...." Kakashi sped up a bit not letting
Obito notice but as Kakashi was walking he ran into someone.

"Oh hello rival!" Guy said ecstatic

"Ugghhhhhhhhhhh" "hey guy" Kakashi said as he started to walk away

"Wait rival! I've been meaning to ask you something"

"I'm not fighting you"

"Wait that wasn't my question!"

Kakashi stopped "alright what's you're question?"

"Who'd you get on a team with?" Guy said curiously

"Oh Rin and Obito why?"

"Oh aren't you lucky!"

"How?" Kakashi asked

"Well I thought you liked Rin?"

"No I don't, why does everyone think this!"

"Oh I just assumed... okay! Well than who do you like? Any other girls huh?~" guy asked

"You're pushing it."

"Come on! I'm curious any other women?? Huh?" Guy started to get to nosey and curious that Kakashi just thought
it be best to just tell him.

"Alright guy fine.... I don't like anyone but..." Kakashi started

"Now I'm only saying this so you'll leave me alone but I personally prefer boys as a love intrest" Kakashi said normally

Guy had wide eyes as he looked at kakashi. Kakashi shrugged and started walking off "really didn't want to tell him
but he was pushing me-.... S#&$!" Kakashi had a chill run down his spine "Obitos still following me..." he looked around
and saw Obito talking to guy with wide eyes "s$&#!".

Kakashi ran home, locked the door, ran to his room, and grabbed his Kunai. The stress was too much and
Kakashi gave in. He took off his sleeve and released the stress the only way he knew how. He sliced a small cut
on his arm and cried.

"Why do I have to be different... why do I have to be blamed..... why can't I be safe.... Why don't I feel...." Kakashi
cried for hours in his room trying to be quiet but he couldn't help it. He heard a knock on his door so he dried
his eyes and put the Kunai away.

He opened the door and it was Obito. When he saw Obito he was confused of why he had a shocked expression before
he realized that he didn't put his sleeve back on.

"S#&$!" kakashi slammed the door shut and ran to his room covering his arms with bandages and his sleeves before looking
up to see Obito coming through the window.

"Bakashi... what is that"

"Nothing!" Kakashi turned away

"Bakashi.... Show me" Obito grabbed Kakashis arm making him flinch. Obito moved the sleeve and kakashi turned away

"Please tell me this is from enemy's... cause....." he looked up at Kakashi who had a sad expression

"If I'm an enemy in you're eyes than yes...." He said as he turned to face Obito.

Obito had tears forming in his eyes as he hugged Kakashi tightly.

"Bakashi.. tell me everything... now..."

Kakashi explained about his father and mother. Then about the villagers and then about the stress of everyone's
expectations and he started to cry.

"I'm stuck being strong and perfect that I can't... I can't be myself..." kakashi's closed his eyes tightly "was being my
own person so much to ask for...?" tears ran down kakashi's face as he hugged Obito.

Obito pulled apart from Kakashi and felt really bad for him. He looked into his eyes and saw everything. Obito
looked at his scars and cuts and just smiled.

"If you promise-"

"I won't do it... if it makes you unhappy"

"Thank you... thank you Bakashi..." Obito helped Kakashi cover and heal the cuts and scars than he sat him
down on the bed.



"If you ever feel stressed come to me... I'll help more than scars ever could" Obito said with a soft smile.

Kakashi happily said "hai!" And Obito decided to help him with his problems like his emotions and the
villagers until Obito had to go home.

"I don't know if I should leave him.. I don't want him to... im staying" obito decided

"Bakashi I'm staying overnight so you don't try anything"

"What? Don't waste you're time it's fine..."

"I'm not wasting anything I like helping you. Now come here for a sec"

Kakashi walked over to Obito who was sitting on the bed. Obito pulled Kakashi to sit with him and he ruffled
his hair.

"O-Obito! What are you doing..?"

"You're hair feels nice... I just want to feel it.."

Kakashi relaxed and just let Obito play with his hair. Kakashi felt a little tired but didn't want to fall asleep.
He unfortunately closed his eyes and drifted to sleep anyway. In his sleep he moved his head to rest
on Obitos chest as he slept.

Obito blushed "this is the first I've felt this way.... It feels nice..." Obito thought "i like this..."

Obikaka (depressed kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now