She's oblivious

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Kakashi woke up on top of Obito blushing like crazy. "Oh that's right..." Kakashi relaxed as he pulled up his sleeve
to see various bandages.

He sat up and looked at his arm for a minute. Then at his Kunai, "no! You promised Obito..." Kakashi sighed as he looked
down in sadness. Than he felt warm arms wrap around him, he looked over his shoulder and saw Obito hugging
him with a smile.

"Good morning, happy to see you resisting" he said with a blush across his face

Kakashi smiled and looked down again "yeah... it's easier now..." "He's actually a lot sweeter than I thought...
maybe getting on a team with him wasn't a bad choice...." Kakashi thought as he let Obitos keep on hugging him from

"Hey obito.."

"Hm? Yeah?"

"Why do you care?"

"What do you mean Bakashi"

"Why do you care so much about my life and what I do..."

"Well.... I just do..."Obito hid his face in Kakashis shoulder.

"That doesn't really answer my question" Kakashi laughed a bit.

"You're cute when you laugh... you should smile more as well, it makes you look adorable..." obito said

Kakashi was blushing like crazy as he grabbed Obitos hand "f-fine..." he said with a smile.

Kakashi's and Obito sat there flirting and talking until Kakashi got a bit bored and decided to do something.

Kakashi bit his finger to draw blood, than he place it on the bed "summoning jutsu" kakashi summoned three dogs.
One was a small brown pug looking one, the other rather big and had soft sleak fur, the last one had grey/white fur
with yellow eyes.

"Woah where'd you learn that from Bakashi?!"

"I don't know.." Kakashi said with a smile as the small chocolate pug jumped into Kakashis arms.

He held him for Obito to see "this is Pakkun he's my partner!" Kakashi said with a smile

"Awww hi little puppy!" Obito said with a smile

"Hello" Pakkun said with a smirk

"AH! Talking dog!" Obito said with wide eyes

"Oh yeah... forgot to mention he could talk" Kakashi said embarrassingly

"Hey puppy!" The grey dog said to Kakashi

"Hey shiba" Kakashi said while blushing

"Is this the kid?" Pakkun asked

"Uh yeah that's Obito he's the person I told you about"

"He looks as cute as you described him" uhei said jokingly

" I never said he was cute!" Kakashi said while blushing and hiding behind Pakkun

"Well you two look cute like that~" shiba said

"What do you mean?" Obito said curiously

Kakashi happened to be sitting on Obitos lap when Shiba exclaimed they looked cute.

Both of them blushed like crazy. "It's okay to be in love Puppy" Pakkun said

"S-shut up..." Kakashi said while hiding his face from everyone. Obito laughed and just assumed the dogs
we're trying to embarrass him "the dogs are adorable though.." Obiti said as he scratched Uheis head.

"Yeah but they embarrass me a lot"

"What's with the puppy thing?" Obito asked

"They just call me puppy I'm not sure why" Kakashi said as he pet Shiba head with a soft smile. Obito blushed but
was cut off by Pakkun whispering to him

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