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For many years I've challenged the minds and teachings of my brothers. We've disagreed on plenty of things, whether they be political or philosophical. Never have we been at arms over the core message of our movement and our rise into power. The Volturi are here to protect, and to do nothing that could possibly go against that. We must put the survival of our species over our whims and wishes for our lives, and while that may be difficult for many, it's gone well enough for us.

Until now.

"I think we have an idea of what is to come," Caius said as he tapped the pencil against his desk. "I don't want this to upset her."

"This decision is important, brother, and the future of the coven may ride on whether or not we do this." Caius frowned. "I want not to upset our mate, but according to tradition, we may have to make some changes to the guest list."

"But it isn't what she wants. I know she'll hate the idea and I can't imagine ruining her coronation over tradition. Can't tradition change? They've ransacked our minds for too long and it's been three years without a peep from them. We should be able to move on and leave them in the past." Caius drops the pen into it's container and sighs. "Aro will agree with me on this one, Marcus. We cannot possibly invite Isabella, Edward, and their Seer into the coronation hall."

"They could be placed in the back ‐"

He cut me off, "What use would that be when we would be able to see him as you place that crown upon her head? Anna deserves peace knowing that she's won against them. They will show, you know that, and they will make our lives Hell during the reception."

Caius hates them most of all. He'd been attacked by Edward years ago and vowed he would never allow the telepath to be near him or our mate again. Even if I sympathized, the chance of the Masens doing something disastrous is low considering how far we went to humiliate them all those years ago.

"Older vampires will be there, Caius, including ones that value tradition. Anna is young, which puts her at risk of ridicule. She is beloved by those close to us, by our allies and our young, but the rest of the vampire world, those who come from their remote homes only to hunt and nothing else, they may not approve."

"To Hell with the ancients, Marcus," my soul brother snarls. "To hell with the lot of the ancients who have no idea what we've been through. Anna will have a peaceful ceremony without those bastard vampire children. I hate them, and I hate them enough to break whatever traditions I have to in order to keep them away from my wife and my children. They're lunatics and we have no place in our home and coven for egotistical ninnies.

"Why should you want to give them the pleasure of seeing our mate become the queen of all vampires?"

I cleared my throat as I felt my brother glare angrily at me from his desk. "This is not a want, Caius, this is me explaining that some changes may need to be made in order to keep this coven held up high in every other coven and vampire's mind. They know we hate the Masens. They know how we humiliated them. They know our laws are concrete. People talk, Caius, and we have to give fair treatment to everyone who is not a criminal."

The blonde grabbed the pencil and broke it between his fingers as if it were nothing. "They are criminals, Marcus! Do you not see that? They've disregarded plenty of our laws, and I have the paperwork to prove it! All of the files are in the library or the dungeons. We can't allow criminals in our house and that is final, do you understand me? This isn't happening. There's no consent from the guard, our brother, me, or the future and forever queen of this castle."

"Do you even remember the last time we fell out of favor with other covens? When we broke tradition last and almost lost our lives and lost dozens who we cared most about? Vampires care about few things but they care about how we show ourselves!"

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒, Volturi KingsWhere stories live. Discover now