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Things were going down once Caius had truly gotten angry and lost some of his well kept composure. My mate was not one to speak of the things that he has gone through, let alone in front of everyone. The entire vampire community there to hear his recollection of the times where immortals were hunted just like we used to hunt them, my mate lets out a loud sigh.

"You disgust me," the blonde king gives Edward a saddened look, "I thought that maybe you could show some respect for the people who brought you freedom, but it seems that you would rather have us killed and let the rest of the immortal community be hunted and eradicated."

"Freedom is not what you gave us! You gave us a damn curse, vampirism is a curse! This isn't how things are supposed to be! We are supposed to be free, living and dying just like the natural order of things requires," Edward seethes at the much older immortal, who tutts and takes one more step, finding himself far closer to the enemy than I would like.

"Never quite the way that things are supposed to be. Defying the will and ways of your own leaders and what is best for your daughter is your undoing. The Volturi do give chances to fix behaviors after offenses such as the ones you have committed. One...two...when will you finally give us three? One could say it has already been three, that a strike to not only your laws and your queen is enough to execute you. While you're at it here giving your sordid monologues, do mention that we gave you mercy. Oh, or did you not remember the Seattle Newborn Army? The one that you insisted we not handle," Caius brings up what had brought us so far apart in the first place.

"What would have you done? Bringing in people who just want to kill us and Bree-" Marcus cuts him off.

"Did we not let Bree go? Did my mate not advocate for mercy? Anna gave you mercy, one that I myself would have given if I were there. Showing such malice and disrespect for a woman who gave you a second chance is not only mindless but also shows the world that you do not have what it takes to be an immortal with a gift such as yours."

"I am perfectly worthy of my gift!" He shouts at my mate.

"Telepathy requires control," Aro explains, "It also requires a certain amount of respect for someone's privacy. You can control your gift, you just choose not to learn how to. Edward, you get a high off of berating people and their thoughts and stealing someone's very personal thoughts that they would rather not have someone hear."

"Baseless accusations-"

"All gifts are controllable," Alec pipes up, "Mine had to be shaped, molded into what it is today, but in the end it was able to be useful and does not infringe on the privacy of others. Quite like you, I used to knock people out. You and I both have mental gifts, those can be tamed and bonded to your own will. The way that you use your mental gift is not the way that it should be used."

"What do you know about infringement of privacy? You take away their very senses!" Edward defends himself.

"It is simply a comparison, you simpleton."

"Not a very good one!"

"Opinions on the matter can be discussed later, boy, we have a trial to complete and you are being quite disruptive," Alec turns back to me, "Mom can we finish this? I'm hungry."

"Rose, Jasper," Edward turns to my soul sibling and close covenmate, "You can't be with them. I won't allow it! Turning back to this diet, Jasper? You said that you hated the way hurting and killing humans made you feel! What have they done to you to make you think that it's okay again? Come home, Jasper. You're my brother! I love you and I want what is best for you, even if you don't understand! The Volturi aren't the good guys!"

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒, Volturi KingsWhere stories live. Discover now