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Bella had a headache when she woke up on the bathroom floor. The pain wrapped around her skull like a rubber band and blurred her vision as she suddenly opened her mouth and vomited into the toilet in front of her. Her fingers gripped the edges of the porcelain bowl and she heaved as hard as she could, letting all of the alcohol in her system come up.

When she finished, she looked at the bottle of vodka that stood beside the bathroom sink. Bella's fingers clutched her stomach as she pulled herself up from the floor. She nearly fell, so she quickly grabbed onto the sink to steady herself.

She had spent the past three days drinking nonstop. As she stared into the mirror, she realized that it was starting to take a toll on her. She was silently hoping for somebody to come get her, like Liv, or even Cole, but no one had come.

"Daniel?" Bella called out, her vision spinning as she held onto walls to steady herself.

She walked out of the bathroom, her legs wobbling as she pushed the bedroom door open.

Daniel was laying in bed, sound asleep. Bella stepped over the beer cans that were crushed against the ground and slowly tapped Daniel's shoulder.

"Hi," Bella whispered, before tapping his shoulder again. "Wake up."

"I'm sleeping," Daniel grumbled, lifting his shoulder to get Bella off of him.

Bella climbed into the bed beside him, before she tapped him again. She didn't feel good, and she wanted to talk to somebody.

"Daniel, can we just talk for a second?" Bella asked in a whisper, tapping his shoulder again. "I'm bored."

"I said that I'm sleeping," he said, his voice muffled into the pillow.

Bella looked over at the flip clock that sat on the nightstand. It was seven forty two in the morning, but the room was nearly pitch black, due to the drawn curtains.

Bella kissed Daniel's arm, as she tapped him again. "Please, Daniel."

Out of nowhere, Daniel reached up and wrapped his fingers around Bella's throat. He stood up from the bed, his hand still latched around her, as he lifted her off the bed and slammed her up against the wall.

The wind knocked out of her lungs as her back hit the drywall. Her fingers reached up to try and pry his hand off of her, but he was too strong, and she was too weak. Tears filled her eyes as she couldn't really see him, but she could feel his hot breath against her, and it smelled like liquor.

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm sleeping, bitch?" he snarled into her ear. "You never learn."

Bella tried to tell him to stop, but her voice came out as a squeak. Tears slipped into her open mouth as he pressed her further into the wall.

Daniel suddenly released her, and Bella let out a gasp of air, her hands touching the sensitive, freshly bruised skin of her neck. Her body slipped down to the ground as she cried, her eyes burning as he paced in front of her.

"Why do you make me do that to you?" Daniel asked through a heavy breath. "I don't want to hurt you. You know that I get like that, and you still egg me on."

Bella continued to cry, bringing her legs up to her chest as she sobbed into her arms.

"Look, I'm sorry," Daniel said, his heavy breaths slowing as his voice grew softer. "Isabella, I'm sorry, baby."

Bella wanted to wither away.

Daniel crouched down to Bella's level, and he slowly wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey, it's okay," he whispered into her ear. "It's okay. I'm sorry, my love. I didn't mean to scare you."

Bella couldn't stop sobbing. She cried into his bare shoulder, while he scooped her up into his arms.

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