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Bella wasn't sure what time it was when they finally got off the train, but the sun had risen and set again, so she assumed it had to be around six o'clock at night. They'd been on the train for nearly a full day.

She and Elliot passed time on the train by sleeping on and off. Bella knew that Cole hadn't slept at all. She could see it in the way he moved, he was exhausted.

The air was a bit warmer where they were now. It felt nice to have a soft breeze caressing her skin as the three of them walked up to the desolate parking lot of a convenience store that sat just a few buildings from the train stop.

An empty payphone booth stood in front of the building.

Bella sat on the bench beside the payphone as Cole dropped his backpack off his shoulder and looked through it. He pulled out a handful of quarters and sifted through them to count.

"You know your mom's number?" Cole asked Elliot.

Elliot nodded, and Cole handed him a few of the quarters.

"Here. You should give her a call, let her know you're okay," Cole suggested.

"Okay," Elliot chirped as he stepped into the glass booth.

Bella looked over her shoulder at the convenience store. A relatively small brick building with a lit up OPEN sign in the window, along with posters of greasy food they serve, and deals on soda and alcohol.

Bella watched as Elliot spoke to his mother on the phone. His words were muffled through the thick glass, but he leaned against it and smiled as he spoke. Bella's heart dropped as she continued to look at the poor boy.

"We haven't eaten in a long time," Bella pointed out. Although she felt nauseous, she knew it was important for them to take care of themselves. She looked up at Cole, who was next to her on the bench.

He looked through his bag again, before he pulled out two twenty dollar bills. He handed it to her, and she stared down at it, before she slowly took it.

"Go get some stuff from in there," he said, his voice low. "Please don't get any alcohol."

Bella's eyes widened. "I wouldn't do that."

Cole just leaned back against the bench and looked at her. "I'll keep an eye on Elliot."

Bella nodded as she stood up and walked into the store. A bell chimed as she stepped inside, and she was met with fluorescent lighting, as well as rows of packaged food lining the shelves.

She slowly looked around, trying to figure out what was best to purchase. She didn't really know what would be best for them longterm, since she found it difficult to eat and take care of herself in general.

She grabbed a few cans of soup, not even paying any mind to the kind, before she quickly grabbed a loaf of bread, some chips and crackers as well. She stuffed everything into her arms as she continued prowling the short aisles.

She made her way over to the refrigerated section where canned drinks sat.

Don't do it. Don't even look at it.

Her eyes were stronger. She couldn't help it. She walked right over to the alcohol section and stared at all of the different packs of beer in front of her. Her heart raced as she thought about the taste on her tongue. Beer always made her gag, she preferred liquor, but she would take anything at that moment.

There was a tall man in a brown leather coat who had been scouring the beer options as well. He was older, with grey hair and a long, grey beard, a wrinkled forehead and thick, square-framed glasses over his small eyes.

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