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Bella ran her hands through her hair as she sat down on the bed, placing her elbows on her knees. She was glad that the three of them had successfully locked themselves in the motel room without Daniel, but he still wouldn't give up. He slammed on the door incessantly, screaming through it.

"Isabella, let me in! Please, let me talk to you, please!" Daniel screamed, his fists pounding at the door. "Isabella, please," his voice broke.

They tried to ignore him, hoping he would just give up eventually or a police officer would find him. But after several minutes, nothing was happening.

Cole was leaning against the wall, his head in his hands as he took deep breaths. "How the fuck did he find us?" he groaned under his breath.

Elliot was sitting at the table a few feet away from them, his head stuffed in his arms as the three of them tried desperately to ignore Daniel.

Bella dropped her hands from her hair and looked up at Cole. "We have to let him in. I know him, he's not going to give up. He's just gonna draw attention to us."

"Isabella, please!" Daniel screamed, banging his fists on the door loudly. "Please, baby. I love you, baby. Let me in."

Cole looked at her, unsure of what else to do. After a few seconds, he shook his head and walked over to the table where Elliot was.

Bella stood up. She knew the look of disappointment he had, and she knew what he was thinking. "I swear to God I didn't call him, Cole. I swear on my life," she said, her voice breaking. "I promise. I would never do that to you guys."

Cole looked at the floor, the knocking and yelling continuing in the background. "Just let him in," he huffed as he knelt down and began to sift through his backpack that sat on the ground.

Bella watched as he pulled a black handgun out. He placed it on the counter and hid it behind a vase filled with fake flowers. Her jaw fell open as she took a step closer to him, her heart racing. Elliot was also looking at the weapon, his eyes wide.

"Where did you get that?" she asked quietly. "Is - is it loaded?"

"James gave it to us. And yeah, it is," Cole answered. "Let him in."

"You're not going to shoot him, are you?" Bella asked, her voice trembling as her eyes began to fill with tears. Would he really do that?

"Not unless he gives me a reason to," he answered quietly. His eyes looked between Bella and Elliot. "Don't say anything about it. Elliot, go into the bathroom and lock yourself in there. Don't come out until we tell you it's safe."

Elliot's lip quivered as he stood up from the table and looked at Cole. "I can be here for this. I - I don't want to hide. I can help."

Cole exhaled and shook his head. "That's really not a good idea, kid," he told him.

Elliot swallowed hard and jumped at the sound of another loud bang at the door. "F-Fine, I'll hide," he said, and Bella saw his fingers shaking at his sides as he turned to walk towards the bathroom. He paused before he opened the door and turned to the two of them. "Will you guys be okay?"

Bella and Cole looked at each other, before they focused back on Elliot.

"Yeah, we'll be okay. Daniel is harmless, he just sounds scary," Bella lied, forcing a smile on her lips. "He's all bark, no bite." She didn't have to look to know that Cole rolled his eyes.

Elliot nodded. "Okay," he said, before he went into the bathroom, and Bella heard the door lock behind him.

She looked over at Cole. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid?"

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