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"So who's going to mystic falls?" Marcel questioned looking at the crew.

"Not it" Rebekah put her hands up and turned away from the crew to Marcel who just tried to hide his laugh.

"Okay this is what's going to happen, some of us are going to have to go undercover to try and get the ascendant" Hope stated, trying to think of a plan.

"The best I could think of is pretending to be enrolling one of you guys there best way to blend in" Alaric suggested, leaving them to think about it.

"Yeah but who would go? Caroline knows most of the adults in here it would only be us" Hope commented while Alaric sighed trying to think of something else.

"Derek or Peter could do it" Hayley mentioned pointing to the wolves.

"Good luck executing anything with them" Cora muttered but was still heard by everyone which made a few of them chuckle but stopped once they saw the look Derek and Peter had on their faces.

"I'm pretty confident that they can do it..." Hayley tried to keep her laugh in while she talked.

"Yeah well me too, who am I taking?" Derek turned to the teens with a bright smile but it disappeared when all of the teens were looking at him with unconvinced faces. "So all of you just don't have faith in me?"

The room went silent while all of them exchanged looks then busted out laughing.

"Okay jokes over..." Hayley stepped in. "Cora can't go she's a hybrid, hybrid means Klaus so it's an automatic no so is Hope that leaves the rest of you"

"I'll go" stiles stood up voluntarily making them laugh even more. "What?" He turned to them with a confused look.

"The school is for supernaturals, idiot" Lizzie stood up from her seat. "I'll go since they need a witch and someone that knows that school up and down"

"If she goes I'll go too" Josie volunteered from her seat next to Cora.

"Okay two wolves with witch daughters great" Kol mocked receiving a small smack from Davina on his arm.

"I guess I'll go," Scott shrugged.

"Then I'll go too" Lydia joined.

"So everyone is going but me?!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Let the poor boy go," Rebekah said.

"You can come stiles you'll be the coolest supernatural in that school" Scott joked making the rest burst out laughing while stiles just stood with a straight face.

"You're damn right I'll be!"

"Okay you guys need to go while we stay here and..." Hope paused waiting for someone to finish her sentence.

𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘴- tw x tvduWhere stories live. Discover now