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Hi! I'm new to writing fanfics so be nice! I switch from first person to third or narrator a lot, but it's easy to tell so it shouldn't be too hard to understand.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN BLEACH.

Warning: LEMON, it gets real sour on Saturday & Sunday (Very sour Sunday).

E N J O Y :)

It's 4pm and I'm off work, FINALLY! Work was annoying. When I was looking outside the window from my cubicle today I saw him in the tree sitting on a limb. He thought I wasn't looking but blue against green is a major contrast. He pretended like he wasn't watching me but I knew he was, I could feel it. His name was Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. He's a super laid back guy with a really brutal and excessively violent personality. I liked it, and I wanted to experience it first hand. After work I went to home, I walked up to my door and realized it was unlocked...

I open it and see Ichigo sitting on the couch watching a soccer game. "ICHIGO, why the hell is my front door open? Are you crazy?!" I hollered. "What?" "The fucking door was wide open! Anybody could've came in and murdered you, stole all my shit I worked my ass off for and waited till I got home and killed me too just for the fuck of it!" I continued. "First of all, you have a 40 inch TV in the living room, a Samsung tablet in the kitchen not even an iPad, and you have a 30 inch tv in your bedroom and I don't even think Ichigo has a TV, let alone anything else anybody would want to steal. If somebody did raid your apartment they would be hella disappointed." says a voice from the front door. It's Renji. "Renji you fucking asshole, fuck you! I bought everything in this bitch! I'm proud of everything I have gotdammit!" I yelled. "If you're so proud then don't leave your doorway open." Rukia said followed by a punch in Renji's chest for being an ass. "Ow! I only stated facts here, I didn't lie." Renji said rubbing his chest. "Renji, fuck off." I said laughing "Anyway, what's Ichigo doing here? I thought this was Y/N's place of residence?" says Rukia. "I moved in with her, I'm her new roomy! It's been this way for like 3 months. Had you come visit every now and then you'd know this! And no you can't stay in my closet." "Well Ichigo some of us soulreapers actually do our job." Rukia said. Ichigo rolled his eyes and continued watching his game. "So what are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Rukia and I thought that we'd pay Ichigo a visit. When we came over, Karin gave us the new address. She totally took over your old room." Renji said. "Well, what are you doing later tonight Y/N?" Rukia asked. "Oh I don't know, I was thinking about dipping into the park for a little. There's a few stray cats I'd like to feed and I need a little fresh air after being cramped in the office all day." I said. "Are you sure you don't want to come out with us? We were thinking of seeing a motion picture film that you guys have on those really big screens." "A movie?" I asked. "Precisely!" Rukia said. " No, I'm fine. Thank you for the invite though!" I said.

I changed my clothes, got out of my business attire and put on some jean shorts and a tank top. The park was just a couple blocks away by foot. So I walked. I felt like I was being watched as soon as I got to the park. I sat on a bench, and continued to feel eyes on me. "Grimmy lets go, come on out." I said I hear some tree leaves moving behind me, I turn around and see blue hair pop out. "Who the fuck said you can call me that?" he said rudely. "Call you what?" I asked. "Grimmy, what the fuck is that?" "A nickname I gave you." I said with a smirk. "Well I don't fucking want it, call me by my name or don't call me at all you bitch." "Hmm, you came out didn't you?" I said biting my lip. "You like me don't you? You're a kinky weird bitch. But on a more serious note use my fucking name." he said with a psychotic smile. "If it makes you feel better, give me a nickname." "I'm not fucking giving you a nickname, what do I look like? A fucking pansy? That's girly bullshit. Real men don't give pet names. You are the pet." 

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