Overview of Light Breathing (Created by Me)/Taiyo

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A/N: Created by yours truly, WildDragon. 
These are the light breathing forms Taiyo created ;)
Shoutout to shadow8of8the8stars for helping me out! (shadow8of8the8stars)

Light Breathing

Form Dancing Light

A dance. I guess... It is very similar to Sun breathing first form dance. But instead of the flames it has light colors like crimson red, orange, gold, and all kinds of yellow in it. It helps perform high speed rotation slashes that if it cuts the enemy/demon it slows down their regeneration speed. It also burns the wound.

Form Discordiant Slash

A single concentrated slash of pure light leaving an afterslash.

Form Lifesteal Chains

User plants or thrusts their sword or weapon to the ground, creating pure light chains that drain the opponent's life and energy.

Form Cycle of Heaven

The user slashes 360 degrees creating a rift of light energy and turning it into a halo while the halo itself moves around the 360 degree slash. (similar to second form of breath of the sun, clear blue sky)

Form Shattered Light

A consecutive amount of slashes that can cause mini craters on the ground with every slash/strike

Form Burned Dragon

A nonstoping attack that increases the user's power the longer it is in use. Will reset the users power if it is stopped or canceled (similar to dragon sun halo head dance but 100x powerful and made out of pure light)

Form Photon thrust

A single thrust with the users weapon generating a dragon made out of pure light charging in a straight light to instantly annihilate the enemy

Form Archangel's Call

A single curved strike with a wide range made of pure heat and light.

Form Light Wheel

Making a wheel of pure light and heat rotating 360 degrees. (like fire wheel and water wheel)

Form Dancing Dragon

User does high speed rotations to decapitate multiple enemies with a few strikes. The dragon looks like the sun and is very light. Combination of Dance, Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance, and Flame Dance combined together.

Form Broken Sunfall

A consecutive slash giving the appearance of a sun but cracked and broken.

Form Azure Heaven

User spins while chaotically slashing with their weapon creating a gale of light energy that crushes everything that comes near it

Form Light Steps

A special breathing technique that is based on footwork and in the light or under the dark; if you practice correctly and much, it can cloak the user for all eyes and people cannot sense their presence. It is also used for attacking. Diverted from thunder clap and flash godspeed but 100x more power and faster.

Form Light Palace- Emperors End

A single wave of ever slashing light energy that contains mini slashes within and is constantly fluctuating

Form Blazing Sky- Light Meteorite
A single vertical slash that causes an explosion of light energy with anything that makes contact with it.

Form Full Counter
Just a rigged form. Any breathing style, blood demon art, or anything, when user unleashes it, it counters everything back at the opponent but with 10x more power and may instantly annihilate them.

Dark Sun- End of Light
Thousands,Millions,Billions, or even Trillions (if wanted user can choose) of chaotic slashes that cannot be counter or deflected; thus not even full counter can even protect them. Chaotic slashes made out of pure light raining down from the sky that are just made to kill, and inside the slashes, there are even more miniature slashes. *may be an forbidden form Used only in life or death situation*

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