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  One moment I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, in a world of free chocolate, the next I'm strapped to some metal restraint things you see in an evil scientists layer. There was what seemed to be lightning running through me, putting me in complete agony. I was screaming at the top of my lungs, but it sounded, different. More masculine, compared to my feminine voice.

By the time the lightning stopped everywhere was in pain. I was out of it, but I think I heard someone mention 'experiment', 'failed, 'new', and 'determination'. I could have been wrong though. Suddenly the restraints we're being tightened by someone. I struggled but couldn't really do anything.

After a few minutes the person stopped, and about that time the pain started to go down some. That's when the person spoke, "Now Papyrus you've been very good so far, I'm sure Sans will be very proud of you. We just have one more test prepared and we will be done okay?" I couldn't help but question, "Sans.....?"

The person gave a chuckle, it wasn't a nice one either. "That's right, Sans, your big brother. Once we are done I'm sure he will be very proud." Older brother? That sounds like UnderTale, but this guy doesn't look like Gaster, so UnderSwap? That would mean that this guy would be the River person right? He called me Papyrus, so does that mean that Sans is my brother?

"Now Papyrus, this one will hurt a bit, alright? So stay as still as possible." The guy- The River Person summoned my soul? And took a syringe that was filled with a red liquid. "I'm about to inject the Determination now, so be as still as possible alright?" Then, they shoved the thing into my soul and injected the whole thing of Determination into it. It. Burned. Like. Hell.

Luckily they managed to remove the syringe before I started screaming in pain again, and thrashed around. My screams must have Echoed through the who building. I was enveloped in agonizing pain again. Last thing I saw was a blue blur breaking down the door and a shout of "PAPYRUS!" Then Everything went dark.

I awoke in a white room that smelled like a hospital. I winced in pain as I sat up, but powered through it to look around. It was really clean, then a doctor walked in. I guess I'm in UnderSwap, why am I taking this so well tho? They started to talk with me but I just stared blankly at them. Where is Sans? Where's my brother?

They seemed to sigh, and turned to the door. "Can someone send this brats brother in please?" Brat? Before I could think more about it, Sans came barging into the room. "PAPYRUS! ARE YOU OKAY?" I was brought into a hug as the doctor left. I hugged my now brother back. "I-" suddenly my throat felt like I swallowed a bunch of glass, and I couldn't help but to cry out and start crying.

Turns out whatever River Person did change my Font somehow. Since I'm not used to talking in the new Font it hurt my throat. The doctor tried to say I was faking it but Sans threaten to have the doctor fired so I got some medication to help with my throat.

I was stuck in the hospital for about a week. Everyone but Brother we're being mean and calling me a 'Brat' when brother wasn't around. I also found out that I don't technically have a gender yet and would have to wait until I had my first Monster heat until we know for sure. I'm also only about 4 years old apparently.

Now Sans is carrying me home, to our hose is Snowden. As we walked I could see monsters giving me a look, not a nice one either... Sans seemed to notice it and notice me noticing and sped up his pace. I wonder why they don't like me. Did I do something wrong?

It took Mabey 15 minutes to get home, Sans trying to distract me from the others while we walked. It mostly worked, with him pointing out things that I found interesting or curious. Some things almost hit us, like a lady tripped and her groceries went everywhere. But we eventually got home safe and sound. Hopefully people don't hate me for the rest of my time here....

Suddenly Swapped, I Became Swap Papyrus!Where stories live. Discover now