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Swap Papyrus POV

  Figuring there is no point in pretending to be asleep I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around to see where we were. I immediately notice that Frisk, or Chara, whoever would be in control when they wake up, was snuggled into my side. Sans was beside me, partly laying on me and partly laying on the floor.

Neither seemed hurt so I looked around the room and noticed we were in a place similar to our basement back home. I see a machine that looks familiar... Like how my machine used to look before I fixed it up. So I found out how we got here, but why would someone want to use their machine?

Then I noticed 3 other skeletons. 2 short ones who looked similar to Sans and another tall one that... Looked scarily like me. Except I'm shorter then them and I don't smoke. Sans would kill me if I did. Drifter got in trouble when he tried getting me to try it on my first 18th birthday.

The 3 of them were talking to each other, not paying any attention to us, witch made me calm down I'll admit. I, don't like new people, or monsters. Sans, Asgore, Drifter, Chara and Frisk are the only people who have ever been nice or kind to me. Their all the people I will ever need.

Chara, Sans and I were happy having our sleepover, then these alternatives of Sans and I took us away! I know I shouldn't blame them, but still. Why are they messing with the machine while it's still broken and maybe even unfinished? It's dangerous and stupid at best and suicidal at worse.

While they were chatting I quietly woke up Frisk, who was wearily watching the other skeletons. Then I woke up Sans, who immediately jumped up, notifying the other skeletons we were awake. Sans immediately summoned bones and Blasters, witch were pointed at the now startled Skeletons who had their arms up in a surender position.

The skeletons also seemed surprised and kept glancing towards me like they expected me to react or something. Why would they-? I flinched as my head started to hurt, flashes of images filling my mind. Oh, I knew them from my last life, I think. I hardly remember anything from my last life except that I used to be a human Female.

Frisk noticed me flinch and their hand twitched to grab the knife I know they keep in their Invintory. I grabbed their hand and shook my head no with a pleading exspresstion that made them reluctantly back down. They did however move infront of me so that the others couldn't look at me.

The other skeletons must have made a face because I heard Sans actually growl. I was finally realizing the situation, and starting to have trouble breathing. Sans, Chara, Frisk and I were far away from home, not even in the same AU. Drifter and Asgore weren't here and there were who knows how many strange people around.

I started to try and even out my breathing, ignoring Sans and the other skeletons talking. At some point Frisk gave Chara control and started she started to help me calm down. I'm not sure how long it took but when I started breathing normally Sans and the other skeletons were gone.

Before I could panic about Sans being gone he came down the stairs with... Another him? They looked alot like Sans, but had a different aura. Their acting happy and bubbly but their magic seems more... Mature? Almost like their only acting happy and bubbly.

Sure my brother has a mature aura but he also has a slightly dangerous undertone as well from the LV he gained. This one didn't have any LV, not that I could sense anyways. I looked between them before Sans, MY Sans noticed I was watching the two of them. "PA-Papy! This is Blue! He's another me and we came to check up on you since you weren't doing so good earlier!"

Sans adjusted his font so he wasn't 'Yelling' since I don't do well with loud sounds. Blue seemed surprised that Sans could change his font but didn't mention it. I signed *Hello* to Blue and to everyone's surprise he signed *Hello* back!

*You know sign?* Blue smiled and nodded that he does. I felt my eye-lights shift into Stars for a moment before they shifted back to normal. Then Blue's own eye-lights shifted into stars! I felt my eye-light magic glow this time. Blue seemed to smile to himself before his Eye-Lights went back to normal.

I wanted to ask questions but Sans started talking talking before I could sign any. Guess I'll ask Blue later. "Apparently we need nicknames so that we won't get confused with our alternates. I'm called 'Swap' by the others. Do you have a name you wanna be called by?"

I thought about it, did I have any names I wanted to be called? I had a name I remember being called in my last life, very faintly. It was more on the feminine side, I think. I didn't have my gender yet so it didn't really matter. I can always change it later if I have to after all.

*What about Hyper?* Sans and Blue smiled at me and replied "That's a wonderful name Papy!" *It's a nice name*. I blushed and lifted my over sized hoddie head piece over my skull to hide my blush. Chara giggled at me, causing me to blush even more. Traitor.

I was hiding when I thought of something. *Doesn't Chara Need a new name as well?* That got Chara to stop giggling at me. Ha! "Um, I'm not sure. Will she?" I lifted my hoddie just enough to see Blue's response. *It would Probably be best, just in case.*

Chara looked thoughtful, probably going over names in her head with Frisk. I had one in mind but I'm not sure if Frisk would be okay with it. It's more on the 'Girly' side and Frisk goes by They/Them. I tapped on Chara's shoulder and when I had their attention I told them my name idea.

*What about Nova? It's a human name  so other humans shouldn't be suspicious about it.* Chara looked thoughtful, no doubt talking with Frisk. After a moment or two she finally answered. "Sure Pa-Hyper. It's a nice name!" I blushed again and huffed at Ch- Nova. 'Im gonna have to get used to calling Chara and Frisk Nova, aren't I?'

Here is chapter 2! Hope you enjoy and tell me your thoughts!

Suddenly Swapped, I Became Swap Papyrus!Where stories live. Discover now