A hero.

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ty ily all for the crazy read count guys even those people who didn't comment last chapter and are now ded bc I found them and cancelled their life subscription rip


The OG plot may or may not be rewritten into a new book. Thank you.

to those who haven't- ignore everything you just read 👌👍

TW: Violence


I'm glad I sat with Zak today.

Even though it wasn't that long, I can tell he's a nice person.
Luckily I hadn't chose wrong when I needed to sit with someone.
It could've gone a lot worse if I had sat with the wrong people, I know that now.

Zak definitely was the right choice.

But now, I think that feeling last night might of been wrong. Today's been pretty nice.

And hopefully, it'll stay that way.

I just have to be myself, no more lies.

No more stupid homework.

I sit through the rest of my third period, looking forward to seeing Zak later today.
It's good to know I definitely have at least one new (real?) friend this year.

Yeah, I do have other friends but...
You never know if they suddenly moved or something came up or if all of a sudden they realize...
They hate you.

Nothing much goes on during my Geometry class, we aren't even doing any math yet.
It's mostly my teacher just explaining math from kindergarten to where we are now. How everything relates and connects, and honestly I can see him trying desperately to impress us with things we already know. How algebra fits with geometry, so on.

He's pretty nice, but this is starting to drag on.
There's only so many things you can talk about involving math without actually doing any.

I glance to the digital clock on the wall.
We still have ten minutes.
I honestly like math-I mean I find it interesting.
This class period however, is not.

I rest my head on my hand as I draw invisible circles with my fingers, feeling the smooth wood table under my hand.
Since we aren't doing anything, I guess I can let myself drift into my thoughts...

I'm excited for 6th period, but the looming thought of Allison finding me sometime out of class in the halls sends shivers down my spine. Who knows what she'll do. I might just end up pinned against another wall, threatened till submission.

Like always.

An audible sigh escapes my lips.

The teacher glances over to me, still lecturing us.

My impression with teachers has always been good, and I have always tried hard to make sure they don't resent me.
When my relationships with kids fail, I fall back onto my teachers.

He glances back up to the clock, and stops lecturing us.

"Alright class, we get out in 2 minutes, go ahead and pack up."
He goes from the front of the classroom to his desk, and begins typing loudly on his laptop.

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