Blurred Conscience pt1

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Thanks to  Lesbian_Lobster, my beta reader

I'm so sorry this took so long 😭 school has been so intimidating lately and the time just flies by and my motivation has been dwindling up and down and the writer's block has been terrible bro


Finally, 6th period on a Friday.

The part of the day I can assume everyone craves for, whether they be potential killers or not

"Last minute party at Zelk's! Starts at 8pm, this Saturday! Address on the paper!" A girl exclaimed, flagging people down with a pile of small flyers in the halls.

"Here you go!" She told me with an enthusiastic smile, holding the flyer to my chest.

"Uh, thanks..." I said, taking the flyer, even though I had no intent to actually go.
I folded the paper, shoving it into my pocket.

So, Zelk's throwing a party...

What a clique.

I walked down the halls as more people shouted with the flyers, and other chatted eagerly.

For an asshole, he sure has a lot of friends.

I shove my hands in my pockets and continue on to my 6th period.

I take a seat, throwing my bag against the table.

Darryl isn't far behind me, setting his stuff aside and taking his seat next to me.

"Hey, Darryl." I greet.

"Hey Zak, did you hear about the party Zelk's throwing?" Darryl asks.

"How could I not've?" I say. "There's like a hundred people talking about it in the halls."

"Yeah..." He trailed off, "Do you wanna go?"

"Not really..." I said, before watching his soft smile drift to a frown.
"I mean, unless you wanna."

"No, no, it's okay if you don't want to." He said, looking off to the side, rubbing his arm.

"Why do you wanna go?" I ask. It's not like he has many friends, or at least I don't think he does.

"I don't know... just to get out of the house. And so we can y'know... spend some more time together?" He said with an awkward smile.

It would be nice to spend a little more time with Darryl...

"Fine, we'll go. But I need your mom to drop me off, it's too far of a walk from my house."

He nodded eagerly.

"Okay! I'll ask her right now!" He took out his phone, typing on his phone quickly.

I smiled at his eagerness. It was all too cute.


The bell chimed through the school, marking the end of the first school week.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Ooh! My mom answered! She said we can go!" Darryl smiled. I simply nodded.

"What're we even gonna do there?" I ask with a smile. What do you do at a big party?

"I'm not sure." Darryl replied with a quizzical look. He shrugged. "I just know I won't be at my house, and that's enough for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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