Chapter Four

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Finnick POV

I tense up, holding onto Annie a little bit tighter. This would be bad, and I hadn't even warned her about it so now she's stumbling in blind. Our time being intimate together was incredible, and I don't regret it in the slightest, but I can't help but wish that we had more time. Time is just one of the many things that President Snow takes away from all of us, especially victors like me.

Usually, the Victors Village is a beautiful place with an unobstructed view to the sea, but today it's shrouded in darkness. There's no pretense of relaxation right now, it's impossible to not know that the President of Panem is here. If people weren't still in their houses here, wondering if the reaping would pick them again, then they would have been ordered to go inside. The peacekeepers don't take any chances, especially not since the last Hunger Games.

Normally, sunrise and sunset are my favorite times of the day since the sky always looks so beautiful but today I can't help but dwell on the fact that this could be the last sunset I ever see. It wouldn't surprise me if I was lined up in front of a firing squad, or at least locked up in some cell so dark and far underground that I could never escape. If there's one thing that I can count on with President Snow, it's that he's incredibly good at finding creative tortures for people who disobey him.

Annie squeezes my hand, and then I remember my promise to her. I promised that I would stand by her and keep her safe from the Capitol and President Snow specifically. My main priority isn't to protect myself, it's to protect her, just like it always has been, but I can't protect her if I'm dead either. I stand perfectly still right where I am, and don't move a muscle other than to squeeze her hand back and hopefully offer some small amount of reassurance. My eyes are constantly flicking around, watching all the peacekeepers and special protection agents to make sure none of them try anything.

"Mr. O'Dair, I had assumed I would find you here. Your girls are very upset that you left them like that, you really must learn to have better manners."

"Yes, we were very hurt that you just left us like that. And for what; some little silly side romance that would never pan out? We didn't take you as being quite that foolish." They both giggle in an irritatingly high pitch and I actually have to bite my tongue to keep from snapping at them. The longer I can hold off losing my temper, the better.

"Now, Mr. O'Dair, the announcement of the Quarter Quell must have done something to your mind, triggered some sort of fight or flight response as they say. I'm a perfectly reasonable man and so I gave you a little while to collect yourself but now it's time for you to go back to attending to your clients. After all, that's what you're valuable for as a victor of my games."

It wouldn't take a genius to hear the less than subtle warning in his voice, and even if I was blind, I would be able to tell that Annie and I are slowly being surrounded by peacekeepers and special protection agents. President Snow is talking to try and keep us distracted that way, to catch us off our guard so that any advantage we could have had would be nonexistent. Keeping that in mind, I back up to fill the doorway as I subtly lead Annie back inside the house and to relative safety.

"President Snow, sir, you promised us that after surviving the arena we would never again have our names entered into the reaping. I remember you telling me that personally once I won the games. If you break that promise, who's to say what promises of yours still hold true; what exactly am I supposed to think?"

The key is to keep my voice smooth, even, and devoid of emotion as much as possible. This conversation is going to go downhill quickly but I just need to stall for a little bit more time so I can form a plan. I'm on high alert, the only coherent thought in my mind being "I can't let him get anywhere near Annie."

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