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Сհα⅊τεʀ Ѳƞε

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Сհα⅊τεʀ Ѳƞε



"Pick a card, any card" I smiled at the little girl, who I learned is named Reece, who had volunteered for my card trick.

She reached for one and pulled out a card.

"Now, don't show me the card Reece. Just show everyone else. And take this marker and draw whatever you like on it too" I motioned.

She did so and everyone took a look at the card. Once she was satisfied, I took back the card and without looking, shuffled it back into the deck.

I fanned out the cards and showed everyone.

"Now, does anyone see the card?" I quizzed, fanning them out more.

I heard multiple surprised 'no's from the audience.

"What have I been saying all night?" I asked them.

"The closer you look, the less you see." They responded.

"Now, check your pocket, Reece." I motioned to the little girl.

She did so and smiled immediately when she found the card that was hers.

"Wow." She mumbled, "Daddy, Daddy Look!"

She turned to her father and jumped around, showing her card off.

"Now Reece, you can keep that card," I explained to her, bending to her height.

"Really?? Thank you!" She hugged me for a brief moment and went back to her father.

I just smiled at her and gathered my cards together. Taking a glance up at the audience, I saw a glimpse of a hooded man. I blinked and he was gone. I just shook it off.

"Thank you all for coming today, Au Revoir!" I yelled, throwing my deck of cards up.

They fell over me as I 'disappeared' with the cards.

I had re-appeared behind a tree off in the distance. Since I was in a park, I decided to take a stroll for an hour as the people left my area.

I seemed to have walked far enough so I was right in front of my favorite cafe, 'Bubbling Boba.' I smiled and entered the small cafe, ordering the usual when I saw Quinn working the register.

"Hey, Quinn. The usual please." I asked my friend as I set down the exact change for it.

"Coming right up (N.n)." She smiled and put it into the system.

She immediately got to work putting in my usual drink. I used to come here once a day, but I decided to focus more on magic for fun. I didn't need a job since I was rich from my Grandparents passing down their inheritance to me. Let's just say my parents were not so happy about this at all.

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