CHAPTER ONE, we meet again.

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chapter one.  we meet again.

  we meet again

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     CHO JIWOO was going out for her morning walk when suddenly she was hit in the head with a newspaper. Stumbling back, she picked the newspaper up and walked out to the front where she would pick a fight with whoever had thrown the paper at her head. "Hey! Is this your first day or something? You threw this right at my head!" she yelled, in a mood to pick a fight.

"It is actually," the boy turned around and they met eyes. Jiwoo's eyes widened, Baek Yi-jin. It seemed like the boy was also quite surprised to see her there, "Cho Jiwoo? Shouldn't you be in university?"

Jiwoo shrugged, "I graduated early. But still! You threw this at my head!" 

Baek Yi-jin coughed, "Sorry about that," he said, "Anyways, I'm going to go now," he said, getting on his bike and biking away.

Jiwoo glared at him, "That little jerk," she grumbled going back into her house. When she entered, she could see her parents sitting around the table with her older sister Ji-na. She was originally going to ignore all of them and go straight into her room, but instead, she had been stopped by her mom.

"Yah! Cho Jiwoo, what are you doing?" her mom asked

"I'm just going into my room, why?" Jiwoo asked, turning around to face her family,

Her mom scoffed, "Look at that brat. You graduated from Seoul University early with top marks, you should be working by now! Why are you not doing anything with your life?"

Jiwoo sighed, "It's not as easy as it seems, mom," 

"How is it not easy? Look at your sister, as soon as she graduated she got a job with UBS!"

Jiwoo had enough and threw the newspaper in her hand onto the ground, "Aish! All you do is talk about how good Ji-na is! I'm sick of it! I get it! If I could get a job and leave this miserable house I would! Fuck!" Jiwoo screamed going into her room and slamming and locking the door.

She flopped onto her bed and began to pull at her hair. It made no sense to her too, she should've been at a stable job now. But she found herself unable to get one and she was too tired to try harder. It was like a candle slowly dying away. She was burning out. 

She never thought something like that could've happened to her. She had always thought she would live her life like a campfire only dying out after being used to its full potential. But she then wondered if that was it ── if she had already used all of her energy and that she had no more potential. 

She wished she was more like Ji-na. Cho Ji-na had been perfect, even more, perfect than her. As soon as she graduated from Seoul University, she had gotten a job at UBS as a journalist and was working in a well-paying job. 

While she was sleeping all day and out all night, doing god knows what. Reading her romance novels and comics, drinking coffee, and attempting to find something stable in her life. Jiwoo swore that one day, one day she would find her purpose in this wretched world.

She thought she knew her purpose. But she had lost it, after the messy breakup, the constant cycle of studying until her nose bled, and just barely surviving through university life. After she had graduated with such good grades, her parents had bought her an apartment in Seoul and she had spent only a few months before returning home. 

And that began the cycle, her parent's disappointment in their burnt-out daughter, the depression gnawing at her, slowly eating her away like a corpse. 

         Night came and Jiwoo had been surprised as Ji-na entered her room. "Yah, come to the club with me," Ji-na said, leaning on the door. 

Jiwoo sat up and grinned, "Why don't you go with your friends? Oh, right you have none," 

"Are you coming or not, you little brat?"

Jiwoo grinned and got up, "of course, I'm coming! I was only teasing you, don't get so upset," she got ready. 

The two sisters were at the club, watching as everyone looked like fools ── this was their thing, watching as people their age look like idiots. "I will never get over this," Jiwoo sighed, "Everyone looks so stupid," 

Suddenly, Jiwoo was grabbed by the wrist, "What the fuck?!" she exclaimed, turning to see one of the employees.

He grinned at her "Miss, Ah Let's go!" he said, dragging her as she was led into a private room, where a group of people was sitting across the sofas. "Okay, then. Enjoy yourselves," the employee said, bowing, leaving, and closing the door. 

Jiwoo turned to the group and was surprised to see some of her old classmates who were with one unrecognizable girl, "Yah! I can't believe it! It's Angel Ji," one of the guys sighed

"I thought she was called Princess Ji," another piped up, "It doesn't matter, it's good to see you, Cho Jiwoo,"

"You guys too," Jiwoo smiled, she turned to see Baek Yi-jin ── that asshole was everywhere lately. She didn't say anything and instead went to take a seat. She made herself comfortable and took a sip of a beer. She noticed Baek Yi-jin looking uncomfortable.

One of the guys handed the unknown girl a drink but Yi-jin quickly chugged it all, another guy asked, "What's your problem?"

Yi-jin looked up and turned to his friend, "Send her out, don't kill the mood," 

Jiwoo scrutinized the girl and came to the conclusion that the unknown girl was a minor. Yi-jin and one of the guys had a small standoff before Yi-jin laughed, "It's a waste of alcohol,"

the guy laughed, "You've gotten cheap ever since your family went bankrupt," he remarked, earning a harsh glare from Jiwoo but he continued, "Don't nag, I'll pick up the tab ── I couldn't make someone who lost everything pay for the drinks. Aren't you here to ask me for a favor? When are you going to ask? You can't, can you? Because you can't swallow your pride. You can't ask for money, can you?"

The unknown girl spoke up, "Hey─" she was cut off

"Shut up and drink,"

 Yi-jin got up and began to drag the unknown girl out. The denim asshole put both of his feet onto the table, blocking Yi-jin and the unknown girl. One of the other guys spoke up, "Give it a rest. What's your problem, asshole?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Jiwoo spoke up as everyone turned to her, "It's his inferiority complex," Yi-jin, ignoring her had enough and kicked the denim asshole's legs off the table and proceeded to drag the minor out of the room. But as he got to the door, the denim asshole pulled his phone out and threatened to call the police.

 Everything else went in a flash and before Jiwoo knew it, the fire alarm went off as everyone was ushered out of the building. As she stood alone ── looking around, her sister came running towards her, screaming her name. "Yah! You scared me! What happened how did we get separated?"

"Unnie!~ I was suddenly dragged away by some idiot and he took me into a random VIP room! C'mon let's go home," Jiwoo grinned, dragging her older sister back home.

When the sisters arrived home, Jiwoo went to her room and shut the door. She stayed silent for a moment. Baek Yi-jin had changed, he wasn't the boy she loved ── she didn't know this new Baek Yi-jin, nor did she like him very much. And the longer she thought about it, the more upset she became. 

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋 ── 𝒃𝒂𝒆𝒌 𝒚𝒊𝒋𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now