CHAPTER THREE, a harmless prank.

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three. a harmless prank

 a harmless prank

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        IT WAS THE EVENING, and Cho Jiwoo was on a walk when she could see Baek Yi-jin, once again, sitting alone, downing his soju like a drain and sulking. It had been a few days since she hadn't run into him and only after a few days, he was back to his sulky attitude. Jiwoo frowned and walked over to him ── he didn't seem to notice her. "Yah... Every time I see you nowadays your sulking," she remarked

Yi-jin looked up, "Oh? Jiwoo? What are you doing here?"

"I was on a walk," Jiwoo shrugged, she turned to the owner, "Ma'am, one more bottle of Soju and a second cup please!" As she slid into the seat, the owner brought out a second bottle of soju and cup.

Jiwoo noticed Yi-jin smiling and frowned, "Why are you smiling now? You were sulking a moment ago,"

"Because I get to see you," Yi-jin grinned, "You put a smile on my face," 

"You've had to much to drink," Jiwoo remarked, "Are you drunk? Already? ── Gosh, you can't hold your alcohol can you? ── Did something happen?"

"Yeah. I had a job interview today but I didn't make the cut," Yi-jin admitted

"It's that company's lost," Jiwoo shrugged, "Don't feel so bad," she sighed, "Did you know what my mom said to me today? She said I was a failure because I was lazy and throwing my future away,"

Yi-jin stayed silent, "Don't think of a way to comfort me, just make fun of me. It'll make me feel better about myself," Jiwoo added

"Your mom isn't wrong," Yi-jin said, "You have nothing holding you back yet here you are, sitting with me as your bright future slowly dims,"

Jiwoo looked at him incredulously, "My god that was soul-crushing. I said to tease me not to shatter my heart!" she laughed, lightly smacking Yi-jin's broad chest. 

"You're right. I heard that every tragedy in life is a comedy if you see it from afar," Yi-jin said philosophically.

"Well then we should live as if we're just viewers watching our lives like a comic book," Jiwoo said, "Your dream was to go to space ── let's live as if we're watching ourselves from there,"

"I'm happy to watch from where I am," Yi-jin replied. "You're fun to watch even up-close,"

"Good to know," Jiwoo grinned, "Honestly, if you think about it, a pure tragedy or comedy doesn't really exist does it? Still, let's hope the road ahead of us is filled with more comedy," 

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