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300 days... Alot can happen in just 300 days.... Death... Birth..... Accidents.... Crimes.... All of it will make a big change to every single citizens....

Now I'm telling you... Observe everything.... One move... Can make a change.... For instance....

When you're alone with someone in a quiet place... It makes you feel.... Quiet... Or maybe awkward....

So.... When you said 'hi' to the person.... It changes the mood... It wasn't quiet anymore.... Because you made a sound... If the person greets you back and both of you started a conversation... It'll change the way you look at the person...
If the person seems nice.... Then you'll think the person is nice...
But if the person seems rude... And egoistic... You'll more likely think of an option to get out of the room cause it just pissed you so much just by talking to that person...

I told you.... Even its just seconds... Minutes... Hours..... It has importance....

I never understand the importance of time until I lost someone important....... My father...

I knew... I should've atleast spend the remaining time we had together..... If only I can bring back time....

But... It just doesn't work that way....

It is a lesson.... A lesson that I learned... The lesson that I should apply in every single day of my life....

One wrong move...... Then your life will go into alot of consequences...

Okay.... I'm sorreh! I made all of you wait that long!! But I'm telling you all!! It is worth the wait!!

So... If you haven't read book one (hiccstrid: the guy with glasses) don't worry!! You don't have to read it to understand this one... But if you want to... Then.... Okay!

Imma update chapter 1 tomorrow..... Yeah... I know what you're thinking!! Don't make me start on you rolling your eyes!!

Oh... You didn't? Okay... We're cool...
Imma end this now...

See yah guys on le next chappie!!!


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