Chapter 2

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Louis: Yay! Were almost done!


Me: Niall you always hungry!

Niall: Shut up Harry!

*Kayla’s P.O.V.*

            Ale was getting really excited…of course I am too! Paul also….started acting really weird and I mean REALLY weird!

Me: Paul you ok?

Paul: hmmm oh yeah yeah I’m ok

Me: umm….ok

Ale: (whispers) I don’t think he’s ok!

Me: (whispers) me either

*5 minutes later*

*Niall’s P.O.V.*

            Urghh Kayla was so beautiful! But Harry probably likes her too, Ale’s ok but Kayla….

Liam: Niall…you okay?


Liam: You ok?

Me: oh yeah I’m fine

Liam: ok?

Harry: That was the last person!

Me: What? What about Kayla and Ale?

Harry: Oh Yeah! Paul….! Its Time!

Paul: OK!

*Kayla’s P.O.V.*

            Paul, Ale, and I were talking and Harry yelled out it’s time. Time for what…I thought

Me: Paul?

Paul: Yeah?

Me: what’s Haz…. I mean Harry talking about?

Paul: Haz? Haha

Me: Paul! What is Harry talking about?

Paul: Oh nothing…

Both of us: PAUL!

Paul: I’ll be right there Harry or should I say Haz…


            Suddenly the lights went out right when Paul and the boys left the room!

Ale: Kayla?

Me: yeah?

Ale: I’m a little scared..

Me: Me too!

*5 minutes later*

Ale: Kayla… I have to pee!

Me: I do too!

Harry: Boo!


Me: yes?

Harry: you weren’t scared?

Me: No…I don’t scare easy

Louis: Oh really?

Me: OMFG Lou don’t do that…

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