Shit how fast is this kid?

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The boy stood at the side of Dream as a ball was pushed into his hands. He quickly realise that this now meant he had a huge red target on his back.

A whistle blew and Tommy set off sprinting.

Sapnap was quick to gain on him just like Quackity did but the blond had his height on his side and was able to slip past both of them.
"PUNZ GET HIM YOU SLOW-" just then Sapnap was knocked to the ground by a unimpressed George.

Tommys hair blew in every direction forcing the blue of the sky to mix with the golden locks that rested on his head. His chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm as he continued to run towards the goal posts. Just then Punz shot out of nowhere as he went to tackle the small boy into the not so soft grass.

His back collided with the floor as the wind was pulled out of his lungs and his eyes closed tight as his body tried to register the impact. Punz was quick to get off him however and he opened his eyes to meet soft grey ones which were once again full of concern. As he was helped up he saw the rest of the team running towards him.

"Punz dude what the hell" Sapnap was the first to speak up but Tommy was quick to shut him down mumbling something about it being a part of the game and he's fine.

Dream rolled his eyes as he huffed.
Tommy just threw himself at Sapnap and he was happy to hold the small child, laughing as he caught Tommy.
"Tommy when did you learn to run like that?"
The mess of blond hair swivel around to be met with Quackity, who's eyes were full of wonder and confusion but the type where you're being left out on and inside joke.

"oh my brother is into sports, like crazy into them"

The conversation was left at that.
Tommy smoke another cigarette (which he shared with Punz) before lunch ended and then he was walked to class by Dream.

One thing Tommy didn't understand about them is where Dream fit in. Sure, he was the leader of the team but his dynamic was quite literally sit back and observe. The tall blond man obviously cares for everyone on the team, including George and Karl, but he acted differently toward the boy.

Almost brotherly.

The rest of they day dragged on and it left Tommy feeling drained and overworked.
The final school bell rang throughout the halls and the teen was met with busy halls filled with other teenagers eating each other's faces and people rushing to get of school.

Vibrant blue eyes then met muddy green eyes and another pair of guilty grey ones.
The lanky teen shadowed the small brunette as Tommy made his way towards the exit.

He no longer cared for the duo. They left him a long time ago.

Tommy kept his head down until he met the large concrete steps that led into the school. Stumbling his way down them he sets off home until he's shocked out of his daydream but a loud car horn.

"Tomas! get in!"
Tommy turned to see a van filled with his new friends? Either way he got in cause what could possibly go wrong.
"really Tommy? you met us today and you got into a car with us." Sapnap deadpans
"well i mean what you going to do kidnap me?"
Dream wheezes as the younger teens face morphs into a slight shocked expression.
"Sapnap stop being a dick" Punz follows through with the insult by adding a punch which landed directly on Sapnaps nose.
"we're just going to Dreams house he shares with Sapnap, George and now Karl and Quackity" Tommy rolls his eyes and looks exhausted at the thought of living with them all. "All of you in one house. yikes" Dream once again wheezes as Quackity and Karl voice their protests.

Once they get there it's not as bad as he thought it would've been. It's actually quite clean, with light cream walls and plants hung up and on shelves, it looked nice and cosy.

A complete contrast to where Tommy was heading before Quackity stopped him. Cold, now grey walls watching his every move as he suffocated inside of that stupid fucking living room before he could make it to the safe haven that he calls his room.

He's snapped out of it when long thin arms rap around his torso and a head lands in his soft golden curls. The smaller teen instantly melts into the touch as if he was ice cream that was left out on a warm summers day and Karl was the sun.

The touch seemed to burn into his back and head but it was a comfortable kind of warm that anyone would gladly sink into. It's something he's needed for a while.

Karl's more than happy to give him as much time as he needs.

Everyone stared at the two while Karl waddles over to the couch with Tommy still in his clutches. Their faces all display the same mushy looking smile as they watch their new addition to the family settle in.

Conversation quickly filled the room but Tommy couldn't find it in him to care what they were talking about. He was content with laying his head on Karl's chest as they both lay on the couch with only one of them carrying a conversation which sends vibrations through the others head. It feels nice.

Then his phone begins to ring.
A room that was once filled with loud chatter from the older teens dies out. Instead the room is filled with silence.

As his slender fingers reach into his pocket he pulls his phone out to see who was calling him only for it to be.

The ringing stops and a "Hello?" echos throughout the room. "what's wrong Phil?"
Everyone is left in a state of confusion once again and they can only await the on going conversation in hopes it will answer some of their questions.

"where are you Thomas?"
a scowl paints they young blonds face
"i'm at my friends house, why?"
"get home now Thomas, we talked about this after I caught you doing whatever the fuck you were doing you have to be in straight after school." A beep then ends the call.

"what did you do"
Dream was obviously the first to speak up. But they all had some understanding of what he could've been caught with considering the fact that he smokes.
"Nothing bad i swear."
They watch as the boy sinks back into Karl trying to find comfort that he missed due to the phone call.

"What is nothing bad?"
Sapnaps voice is calm and sweet but it's sickly how sweet it was. Like the kind when a teacher is tell you what to do without making it sound like a command. "j'st weed n' stuff" as the blond locks pushed further into Karl causing his words to be muffled but understandable.

"don't be mad."

Punz huffed out a laugh and so did Quackity.
Sapnap and Dream just threw each other an understanding look as Karl hugged him tighter and George sat down next to them playing with the golden hair.

"how about you stay the night? we always have sleepovers anyways, one more won't hurt"

The blond smiled into the brunettes purple sweatshirt and he nodded his head.

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