Professor Aberforth

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By Tuesday, Nella felt like a zombie from all of anxiety-driven insomnia. It was the worst day for it since Tuesdays were jam-packed with classes.

The three first years made their way to the second floor after breakfast. They opened the door and were affronted with an odor.

The source of the smell was eating alfalfa in the corner of the room. The goat had a beautiful clean coat, but everyone wanted to steer clear and Gryffindor's were not only fast, but aggressive. Nella and her trio were not very confrontational. Albus harrumphed as they sat in the corner.

A few minutes passed by and what appeared to be a dirty pile of rags stood up and stared down the class with a set of piercing blue eyes.

Their Magical Theory Professor looked grumpy and old, and a little scary. No one dared to ask why a goat was present.

"Good morning. I was chosen to teach magical theory to you lot. Does anyone understand any basics of magical theory? Anyone cracked open their texts yet? Ah, you-"

"R-Rose Weasley." Albus tensed; Scorpius and Nella shared a quick look. Hopefully, there won't be a repeat of Professor Clearwater.

"Magic is inherited, however not determined by many or fewer relatives, or even powerful or less skilled relatives. A muggle-born can trace their ancestral history-"

"Very textbook answer. I think I've met your mother, Mrs. Weasley. Five points to Gryffindor; take a seat." Flushed Rose sat back down but this time sat erect. 

"Have any of you felt your magic? Through your wand? Your fingertips?-" Nella shakily brought her hand up. She concentrated on the teacher to ignore all the other eyes turning towards her.


"Nella Dursley. I- I feel my magic. I can feel it in the air even- even now professor. There is a lot of magic in Hogwarts." His eyebrows raised and he nodded not exactly like he was impressed but expecting this answer.

"That's impressive Mrs. Dursley. Five points to Slytherin-"

"That's not fair! That's obvious! Anyone could've told you that." The familiar voice of the Gryffindor faded as the Professor seemed to shine beams at him with his unrelenting stare. Then he made a clicking noise and the goat trotted towards the student's desk and hopped up.

"What the-"

"That kind of rude attitude can make friends with Ninneck, and get used to the scent of goat droppings." The student, who Nella realized was the boy whose last name was Fredricks, stared nonplussed at the Professor.

Albus shot his hand in the air with a light smile. The professor nodded in response.

"What's your name Professor? You didn't introduce yourself yet."

"Oh, didn't I? I'm Aberforth, just call me Professor Aberforth. I guess I ought to do a roll call before I end class."

"Isn't this a double period?" A student next to Rose asked.

"It's the first day; just make sure you do your homework." He continued to do a roll call but nearly choked on Albus's name for some reason. Once he finished and the class packed up books that didn't get used Professor Aberforth called Nella over.

Scared she walked alone to his desk but her friends lingered ready to save her from a grumpy teacher.

"I've been meaning to speak to you, but after asking me to teach here, they also loaded me up with more tasks." He rolled his eyes.

"Did anyone tell you my sister was like you?"

"Your sister was like me?" 

"Your magic Nella, I know all about it. Perhaps I know more than anyone else here." Nella stared wide-eyed at her professor. Who was this guy? He stared at her as if to say more but he hesitated and ended with a nod.

"Welp. Be seeing you. Enjoy your free time." He packed up, goat following, and left faster than Albus and Scorpius could make it to Nella's frozen figure.

"What was he talking about?"

"No idea."

~ ☪ ~

They decided to just head to their next class early which was herbology.

"We would probably just go to greenroom one right? The easiest stuff?"

"Maybe we should wait for Professor Longbottom?" Scorpius poorly disguised a cough of laughter.

"Scorpius come on it's not that funny," Albus groaned.

"It's kind of funny." Nella smiled eyeing Albus.

"Not you too Nella!" Nella snickered in response.

"Aren't you first years?" Nella recognized Abstinence's voice from behind them as she approached.

"What are you doing by the greenhouses? Stealing? Five points-"

"You can't!-" Albus started but Nella quickly interceded.

"What are you doing here Abstinence? We're waiting for Professor Longbottom; Professor Aberforth let us out early." Nella tried to de-escalate while sidestepping the fact she hadn't said it yet; she wasn't sure a prefect could just dock house points from students for suspected thievery.

"Oh, it's you. I've been asked to provide extra duties as a prefect." She fiddled with her prefect badge and seemed to puff up like a peacock.

"Do you know where Professor Longbottom is? Could you take us to him?" Scorpius had a very polite quiet nature that couldn't be mistaken for any tomfoolery.

"I suppose as a prefect helping lost first years is the exact sort of thing I was chosen for... Yes, let's go." Nella mouthed a silent thank you to Albus for not going off on her; he rolled his eyes.

The greenhouse they stood at was no other than greenhouse three. It looked at them intimidatingly with several signs of warning placed at the entrance. Abstinence returned shortly, adjusting her robes.

"First years ought not to enter, too dangerous. Professor Longbottom knows you're here, so he shouldn't be long. I'll be watching if you try anything funny." She left with a last warning look before stalking the other greenhouses.

"When did you meet her?” Albus asked quietly, not wanting to be overheard.

"On the train. Olivia nearly attacked her."

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I wonder if Neville ought to go by Professor Neville instead?

I'm positive Aberforth would vehemently refuse to go by Professor Dumbledore. If you're curious, Hermione advised the school to hire him on account of Nella, which Harry suggested to her after remembering Arianna Dumbledore.

If you didn't know, Arianna also struggled with her magic. As a good writer I intend to better bring this up, but I figured I'd share early with anyone who was just too curious now. It's not really a spoiler for anything, just interesting... thing ya know?

For those who've watched the Fantastic Beasts movies I am aware that this uncontrolled magic is a bit different from the movies, I'm deciding to assess it a bit differently on how it descends to that point. Nella also doesn't have it nearly as severe as to develop an obscurus… Yet. It can happen, but it takes time and fortunately for Nella she has support.

Question for fun: do you think Arthur at times knows he's being silly with Harry when being confused with standard muggle knowledge? Trying to ease tension when asking “what is the use of a rubber duck?” I saw a Reddit response of that theory and I liked that idea.

Word Count: 1199

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