Professor Longbottom

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Professor Longbottom, despite his name being a constant source of snickers among first years, had a very positive outlook on life. Upon spotting the three waiting for the end of his class his face lit up with a huge smile and waved the group to follow him.

On the other hand he subtly showed favoritism, he immediately struck up a conversation with Albus leaving Nella and Scorpius in a polite silence. Nella wasn't sure if Scorpius had caught the almost nervous-looking smile Professor kept passing him.

The inside of this building had many smells mixed varying from completely unpleasant to quite nice, and then dirt. Lots of dirt and fertilizer. The center of the greenhouse had many rows of tables with groupings of seats at them. So as all the students sat down they were enclosed in the varying plants.

Some unfortunate Gryffindor's were jammed in with the Slytherin table. One of them with bouncing brown curls flicked her hair irritatingly the whole class as Professor Longbottom introduced himself and Herbology.

"Many of the plants I'll show you in this class will be familiar to even muggleborn students!"

"Tch. Like a Slytherin gives a damn." The Gryffindor muttered under her breath. Professor Longbottom didn't hear her; Albus turned to the girl angrily before Nella could stop him.

"One of the Slytherins here is muggleborn so shut it." The girl rolled her eyes but didn't say anything more for the rest of the class.

Professor Longbottom gave a sort of introduction of what kind of plants they'd study this year, and eventually introduced the class to a tall very fat cactus-like plant called a cactune. It spoke startling Nella momentarily but only to introduce itself in a feeble voice.

Then, the unexpected panic that shot through Nella boiled through her. Nella gasped as she tried to regain control but now the class was reacting as a whole. All the tables were beginning to rise in the air. Some students screamed frightened, and some laughed and looked around for whose wand was out.

Professor Longbottom remained calm and gave Nella a very patient smile before casting a spell to reverse the effects. One desk stubbornly remained airborne and Professor Longbottom shrugged.

"I apologize, class, I was never very talented in my charmwork, but we can stop here for now. Please read the first three chapters of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi and please write one roll of parchment on a plant you found most interesting or useful."

He dismissed the class rather quickly but Nella caught his eye and she knew she would have to stay back to talk to him. Over time the table drifted slowly back to the ground while a couple of lingering Gryffindors from the Slytherin table stared at Nella and Professor Longbottom with suspicious eyes before collecting their things and leaving with the rest of the class minus Albus, Scorpius, and surprisingly Rose Weasley remained at her seat and stared directly at Nella like she was some kind of pest.

Flustered but not put together enough to confront her, Nella stomped up to Professor Longbottom ignoring Rose.

"I'm so sorry professor... the cactune.. I didn't expect-"

"Professor! Give Nella a detention immediately!" It seemed Rose wasn't going to be ignored.

"It was my understanding you know of her condition Mrs. Weasley?"

"Why do you hate her so much?" Albus had stepped in trailed by Scorpius.

"I don't! You don't understand y-you stupid Slytherin!" She stormed out of the greenhouse before Professor Longbottom could get a word in. He deflated but remained warm after the downward spiral of his class.

"You're probably going to get more of that as you keep going. Nella I wanted to share something with you and I hope you take this to heart while here at Hogwarts," Professor Longbottom kneeled to her height to stare directly into her eyes.

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