Chapter 1 Hopefully...

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After Anna had Baby Bates... The cottage was filled with love and hope for a better future... After the incident with Mr. Green and of course Vera (ugh... I hate her) Anna and John were careful of what the said and did and tried to keep to themselves and their small group at the Abbey.

Bates was sure, of his luck... something else would go wrong. Anna tried to keep some high spirits and keep hope in her heart.

Baby Bates was a year old now and Anna and John's love for him was growing and growing. They refused to let any one babysit him... He was so precious, he looked just like John but with blonde hair, just like Anna's.

One night after a long day of work... Anna and John were talking about having more kids and if and how they could take care of more. John suddenly had an idea... they could continue looking for a hotel and he would stay in service until they had enough money... and Anna could hand in her notice before the baby is born and stay at home with the kids and come to visit once in a while. Anna liked the idea... but she wanted to change a few things. She said they would continue their search for a hotel in their price range and she would continue working till the baby is born and work here and there after she gets well. He didn't like the sound of her working... but he knew her and he would have to agree, but he would take extra care of her... He wanted to fuss.

So... the next night... they did... they tried to have kids... Bates was 50 and Anna was 42... and they were getting a little older, so they were moving a little slower. They were up all night... good thing they had the day off tomorrow... so they could sleep in... They were in love.

When Anna got a little time to herself, she went to visit Doctor Clarkson. She met Isobel on the way in... She nodded her head and said hello. As she went in, she got more and more nervous, she smiled, she knew she wasn't feeling well, and that was a good sign.

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