♡Ranpo Edogawa- A Hot Summer Day♡

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Ich glaub jetzt wissen mittlerweile alle Leute dass ich Ranpo liebe. Es kommt basically in jedem Buch irgendwo vor. Ich würde mir littaraly mehrere Finger für ihn abschneiden... Mit eigenen Händen! Was nicht viel aussagt, da ich mir mehrere Finger auch so abschneiden würde. Aus Interesse.

Ey meine Therapeutin darf niemals von diesem Buch erfahren...

Anyways ich will mich nicht im ersten Kapitel komplett in BDSM Slave Training Gangbang reinstürzen, also hier etwas wholesome stuff.

Und ich habs vergessen zu erwähnen dass ich den Scheiß auf Englisch schreibe, weil Smut auf seiner "standart" Sprache zu lesen, das verstörendste ist, was einem jemals geschehen kann.

Diese Striche werden bestimmt auf allem außer nem Handybildschirm so scheiße aussehen, ich ahne es schon, anyways, hier die verschiedenen Tags in Kursiv:

Praise, Teasing, Semi-Public


5pm. The sun was still shining bright as ever and the hot summer air didn't seem to cool down even with the Air Conditioning running on maximal power. Silently I stared at my working table filled with different pictures of the crime scrime scene I worked on the last few days. Writing the report for my work always was my least favourite part of being a member of the Armed Detective Agency. I sighed and stare at the desk across from mine, wishing Ranpo would be there for emotional support. But just like the rest of the agency he found a way to escape the summer heat and boring hours filled with office work, by propably doing things Ranpo normally does. By which I meant buying snacks. Bored out of my mind I spun around in my office Chair. He could've at least asked me to go with him-!
I sighed again and lay down on my desk staring with dread on my half written report.
The promising squeaking of the door made me turn my head around, hoping that I'd get any opportunity to get my head off work.

"Damn you look pretty worn-out"

The muscles in my face contracted to force a smile, as I saw my Boyfriend coming back with a whole stash of candy in his arms, but on the inside I felt the heat slowly demolishing my sanity.

"Yeah I guess..."

Ranpo laughed going over to his workplace and putting his snacks away under his table.

"Before I forget, I got you some Icecream, well, some Popsicles to be exact. I already put them in the freezer, but I can get one for you"

I looked up at him, the last drop of life shining bright in my eyes.

"That would be amazing"

"Okay, I'll be right back, don't overheat and die on me, okay?"

Leaving a quick kiss on my forehead Ranpo went out the office room again, just to return with a wrapped blue popsicle. I never understood why Japan chose a blue color for everything "soda flavoured", sure it was the colour of the bottle most standert ramune came in, but the drink itself was clear. Ranpo smirked as he sat down on the table next to me, unwrapping the popsicle and holding it infront of my face. Feeling the cold surrounding the frozen candy emediatly send relieve down my body. Right as I reached my hand out to take it from Ranpo, he quickly moved it away from my reach.

"Nah– I'll hold it for you~"

He smirked looking down at my desperate face. I knew his little games all to well, Ranpo got quite the enjoyment out of teasing me.

"Come on just give it to me! I'll do whatever you want"

Ranpo grinned and held the popsicle to my face again.

Ich zerstöre meinen Digital Footprint indem ich Smut schreibeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt