Plan A

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Imagined: Hey sis. Did you get anything good from I.O?

Order: Yes actually I did!

(Order leaves the room to go back upstairs to her room)

Imagined: ..... Okay apparently she doesn't feel like sharing today
*under her breath* that's shocking

(Imagined follows after her sister)

(Scientist walks in from a different door)

Foundation: *standing up* scientist!
Your back did you manage to check the weapons yet?

Scientist: ah shoot! I knew I forgot something. We should have some bombs left. I made them ages ago but they should still be intact.

Visitor: when did you make bombs?

Scientist; not important. Let's call it... "My plan A" for Slone before this war even started. Never got a chance to use them though.

(He leaves)

Foundation: visitor, can you and origin go on a secret mission for me

(Origin puts down the newspaper he was reading and stands up)

Origin: yes absouloutly

Visitor: what is it?

Foundation: ok. I'll tell you. But you can't tell any of the others about this. ESPECIALLY not scientist!

Visitor: what is it?

Foundation: recently scientist sent out a rocket to retrieve something. But the black box fell off, and I know there was a message from "you know who in it"

Origin: not "her"?

Foundation: yes "her"!

Visitor: what paradigm-

Foundation and Origin: SHHHHH!

Foundation: he could be back any second now! Anyways, I need you both to find the black box and bring it back to me.

Origin: visitor has heat vision built into his mask, making it easier for him to find such things.... Where do I come into this?

Foundation: back up!... The black box fell off around command cavern.

Visitor: THE CAVERN!?

Foundation: yup. Good luck. Dismissed.

(Origin and Visitor walk outside)

Origin: we'd better get started now I suppose

Visitor: Mhm... Sure thing. This could be messy. If we play our cards right. We could be in and out within the hour. But... If not... We could find ourself in slones hands.

Origin: well then, play our cards right. Or die. Not much of an choice is it? Let's just get going.

(He flies off)

Visitor: yeah... right behind you

(He follows behind flying)

(-with foundation-)

(Scientist walks in with a crate in his arms)

Scientist: well that's just typical. A war breaks out and we have no actual weapons or defense left. I could've sworn I had some nukes left in there somewhere but-

Foundation: your joking? We have nothing??? What happened to the Grenades and air strikes?

Scientist: gone. Somebody decided they wanted them for themselves and decided to go all out on a robbery. Didn't even leave a track.

Foundation: I.O?

Scientist: I'll bet. The idiots they are. Willing to steal our things. To lazy to make their own.

(Scientist puts down the crate on the table)

Foundation: what's in the box?

Scientist: what's left.

Foundation: I thought you said there was nothing left!?

Scientist: ah! You dident let me finish. I was about to say. But we have these and open the..."crate"... not a box.

Foundation: difference?

Scientist: ugh. Never mind. Anyways.
Have a look what we've got left... Because this is all there is.

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