020. ❛ breakfast ❜

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"Dolores hey! You know out of all my older cousins, you're like my favorite cousin- SO I feel like I can talk to you about anything!" I almost freeze but continue to put arepa's on my plate

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"Dolores hey! You know out of all my older cousins, you're like my favorite cousin- SO I feel like I can talk to you about anything!" I almost freeze but continue to put arepa's on my plate.

"And I feel like you can talk to me about anything, like the problem with the magic last night- that no one seemed to worry about but maybe you heard about that- and maybe something I should know about?"

"Camilo! Stop pretending your Dolores, so you can have seconds" Dad said towards me, as I shift back to myself with a little shrug.

"Worth a shot- AH" Casita hits me with the window doors a couple times.

"Camilo!" I shrieked as the Casita hit me one more time, before I looked over to the person who called out my name. It was my beautiful girlfriend. Rosa Delos-Angeles, Camilo Madrigals- my girlfriend... Has a angelic- nice ring to it.

"Hola mi amor" I say, about to lean to give her a kiss but was cut short as she stopped me by pressing her fingers on my mouth.

"Not here, your family is still in view" I roll my eyes, and take her hand inside the Casita. I look around for just a second- nobody around to see, and with my free arm, I pull her against me with her waist and kiss her on the lips.

She laughs in surprise but happily kisses back. As I slowly dipped her, the kiss got deeper and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I lift my plate of food higher above my head, so I don't accidentally tip it over. She pulls away before one last peck on my lips, and she stands back up on her two feet.

"What was that for?" She laughed, blush scattered on her cheeks. I smile and lean my forehead against hers.

"You know only a few hours ago, we confessed to each other?" She looked at me with a smile longingly, biting down on her bottom lip. She looked down, trying to hide her flustered face and laughs.

"Yeah, it's crazy because when I met you- I referred you as shape-shifting boy till I got your actual name-" She started before I started peppering a bunch of kisses all over her face. "CAMILO!"

"Your adorable, mi amor" She gives him a slight glare as her face turned more red, and she steals a arepa from his plate.

"Hey! That's mine" She laughs and runs off to outside. Luisa sets down a table, and the chairs start assembling themselves with Casita's help. As doing so, Casita pushes a chair under her and takes her beside where I was sitting. I put my plate at my seat, right beside Rosa. She was about to get back up to get her food but I stop her.

"Don't, I'll get it for you" She smiles as I rush over to get her a plate of food. Once I get back, I see as Pepa starts calming down from Mirabel taking her seat right beside Luisa. I sit down beside Rosa, and give Rosa her plate. She smiles, about to kiss my cheek but stops herself and puts her hand down with a nervous smile.

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