Chapter 7

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Jeremiah Arcob paced back and forth backstage.

Only a single Mahogany door separated him from the hundreds of people sitting in front of the pulpit of the fairly large, mostly made of mud brick, stone, and split log building.

The floors softly creaked with each step that he took reminding him of just how old the church was.

In a nutshell, it was probably older than his age, his dad's age, and his grandfather's age all summed up.

Its appearance did nothing to rejuvenate it. It resembled an old Victorian house the only difference being it wasn't made from brick or old log and did not stand on some overly fancy foundation.

The rooms had slowly developed into a more modern style but to an outsider's first glance it portrayed the features of an old museum that accommodated a homely smell of sunflower-air freshener and fresh breeze which still did nothing to calm Jeremy's nerves.

He tried not to focus on the prodigious thought of the number of people there, sitting, waiting, watching, hoping, and praying that he delivered at least a fraction of what they wanted to hear.

What they needed to hear.

Albeit he had done this a hundred times and strongly believed he would do it a hundred more, the multitude of experiences could never dwindle the impact of the situation.

He felt like he was a neurosurgeon experimenting on a child instead of a monkey or mouse or whatever neurosurgeons experimented on.

Whatever he cut or sewed back would affect the brain and therefore the whole person either positively or negatively. 

Whatever he cast or bound, spoke or acted.

Definitely not something to be worried about at all.

For Jeremy, it wasn't a normal thing, nothing anyone could get used to.

The vibration of the speakers echoing his voice alone in the silent halls still startled him sometimes.

The soft sound of pens scratching on paper as the congregation took note of the words that left his lips.

Looking down and seeing the crowd of people, so many people, looking up at him with hope in their eyes as though he was the only beam in a room filled with darkness.

You are the light of the world. A city placed on a hill cannot be hidden.

The times he loved the most was when he would completely drown in the message.

He would get so engulfed in it in a way that he couldn't even hear himself talking, he would forget where he was, forget the number of people there and just talk.

The deep almost painful passion seeping through every syllable that left his lips.

Outstandingly obvious in his features the love and faith he had for the message he poured out to the people.

But before all that, before he stepped on stage each time and let the stage lights partially blind him and the unfathomable adoration overwhelm him he would be here -as he presently is right now- pacing back and forth and murmuring soft prayers as if he was preparing for help and protection through a war with his thoughts racing with each step.

God, please speak to me, speak through me. Tell me what to tell them. Fill me with your wisdom and understanding in levels only you can take me. Help them understand what I say, Lord, what you say through me, Father. Remove any form of timidity or anxiety in me and fill me with your courage.

He let out a deep breath and turned to his left just in time to see the guitarist signaling if he was ready and he nodded.

The steady beat of the bass drum filled the air sending a buzz through him as he tilted his neck from side to side, unlocking the stiff knots and flexing his hands to crack them.

The beats of all the instruments started merging into one.

Hearing Nehemiah announce his introduction, he adjusted the tiny wired microphone on his plain white cotton shirt as he walked towards the door, his grip on the handle clenching and unclenching, eagerly waiting.

"With much joy and gratitude in our hearts, ministering to us today by the never-ending grace of God, let's welcome Pastor Jeremiah Arcob."

He finally opened the door and the usual wave of it all hit him fueling his adrenaline.

The claps, the yells, and the blinding lights all played an obscure part in enhancing his vision as he gazed at the congregation now standing before him.

A wide smile spread on his face as he waved his hands at them with the equal if not amplified energy they threw at him.

He practically ran to the stage as he greeted them, a dizzying love igniting in him.

"Thank you, thank you. Now I know that clap was for me. So can we please put our hands together The King of Kings, Lord of Lords, our Everlasting Father, I am that I am-" The screams and claps multiplied by a zillion, muffling his voice and extending the smile on his face as he watched the church praise. The zeal they had to worship always brought tears to his eyes.

"Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world."


YOLO!!! Forgive me people for I have wronged you all. I'm so sorry for the lag in update please don't give up on this book because of my misbehavior. *insert cute cat or dog or rabbit picture*

I'm in boarding school so I only get to write when I come back from school so bear with me please.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! Thank you so much for reading and following "Rose" If you have any comments, questions, advice, or anything I'm all ears.

Have a lovely day rest of your day and stay blessed. 

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