Chapter 1

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The bustle of the congested street made me feel claustrophobic and trapped. I could hardly take a breath without it being knocked out of me again. I make a turn into an alley way in an attempt to escape the everlasting madness but instead I was welcomed by a by a cold hand on my waist. The next sudden movements leave me no time to move let alone think as he pins me against the wall. I scream and shout pleads of help, but I am met with silence. His hand covers my mouth muffling my voice, yet I still tormented him. My weak thrashes of anger are useless, but I am relentless and will not allow my fear to consume me.

Quick glances are made toward my captor this is no stranger. This is Carlos. Perplexed, I trace and follow his eyes trying to read his emotions, but I am greeted with a blank canvas. I run my hands over the familiar biceps trying to trigger a response but again nothing. I could always provoke a reaction like at our clandestine dates. His eyes are fiery, and his brows are stern. It looks as if he is preparing the best possible way to say something, but the words are stuck in his mouth. He brushes my hands to my side and holds me still as he relays the information, he so clearly needed to tell me.

My chest tightens as it becomes harder to breath. Pain strikes through me as I recall what the Spaniard had told me 'Lando' 'dead'. Those two words that I thought would never be said together. His grasp releases as he pulls me into a warm embrace. I held onto him so tightly we were nearly one person. I imagined I could make all the grief disappear but in the back of my conscience that the harsh reality would soon return. I didn't need to see his face to understand or know how he was feeling. I could feel his body pressed against mine and I could hear his snuffles of emotions and shaky breaths. I couldn't help but shiver. His arm banded my midriff and he leaned in. My toes curled as his lips brushed against my ear.

"Come back to my place" Carlos said almost as if it was a chore "Please we need to talk"

I made no objections- a talk was long overdue, and I had no where else to go. I turned away so he couldn't see a life's worth of emotions that were just released. His hand glides down my arm, folds it over my hand. His fingers lace with mine. I can feel the fast thud of his heart through a single touch. Nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold my hand. I let him lead on to his place as I followed still holding tightly onto his hand.

As we entered his home, pictures of family conjured the emotions of all those sweet memories. I sit on the leather sofa that has clearly been worn past the point of distress, as I wait for an explanation.

"I'm not going to sweet talk any of these events as they are far from that. Lando was drugged at the party last night. Fucking stupid fangirls. If I was there none of this would have happened. Lando would still be here." Carlos explained.

I spent tedious hours telling Carlos it wasn't his fault and everything was beyond his control. Its safe to say no progress was made.

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