I get so lost inside your Eyes

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"We are lost, we are never gonna make it," Zayn panics in the back seat as Liam drives them through some odd street. They went to the museum just like Maya wanted, but without Maya. It turned out to be exactly the same as the one Louis had been to in London, because it's all the same to him. However, to Harry, it's all to be appreciated with 5 dedicated minutes, even if that means having to spend the night in the museum itself.

"Would hate to agree, but we didn't come this way while going," Niall adds from beside him.

"Will you both just shut up? We'll find a way," Louis yells and Liam concentrates on the road.

"We could ask someone?" Harry suggests.

"Yeah, genius? Do you see a someone here?" Louis gestures to the empty street.

"I meant Paul, you idiot," Harry barks at him.

"Yeah, wait. Lemme call him," Zayn says and pulls out his phone.

"Hey Paul. I think- I think we are lost or something..."
"Liam's driving"
"Yeah okay"

He passes the phone to Liam and Louis holds it on speaker.

After another hour of twisting roads and alleys, Liam finally makes it on the way back to the hotel and everyone collectively breathes a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Paul," they all say in a sing-song voice into the mic and Paul laughs from the other end, "Make it quick, you have to pack."

The line goes dead and within a few minutes they're back into the basement of the hotel.


"Lou, Hurry!" Liam yells through the open door and Louis hops around while pulling a sock on.

"I am trying!" He yells back.

They have to be on the bus in 10 minutes and head to LA or they'll be late for the show. Paul has already burst his phone with 13 missed calls and he doesn't dare pick them up.

After a minute, he makes his way to the lift with his suitcases behind him and they all rush to the basement. He eyes Harry who is now in a plain green jumper and black jeans with a headband to hold his hair back.

"I heard you are decorating your bus," Harry sneers and Louis melts through the concrete floor. How the hell did he know?

"Paul asked me where Pride flags are available," Harry answers Louis' doubts and now Louis would prefer to burn to the ground.

"I think it's great, makes the bus more you," Harry's voice grows a little softer and Louis' eyes sparkle.

"Great," Louis says sarcastically but he actually meant it. He did.

They walk away in separate directions and onto their buses. Louis isn't even mad at Paul for telling Harry anymore. He actually liked that Harry knew and complimented it, instead of making fun of Louis like he himself had done.

But he can't let Harry know that. He can't let him know that he is capable of liking him for something. He will only hurt Harry like he hurts everyone who even tries to get close to him.

"Lou, your box is here!" Liam calls out from the door of the bus and Louis rushes to help him carry out a large cardboard box overflowing with decorations.

"Let's get started, Payno." He announces as he stretches his fingers and Zayn just rolls his eyes with a chuckle. "It's called effect, alright Malik?"

"Sure, mate. Whatever you say."

They pull out the stuff one by one: a pride flag, fairy lights which are surprisingly untangled, a polaroid camera and some old posters.

They hang them one by one from the walls of the bus and tie to lights around the bunks and Zayn plugs them into a socket.

"Awesome," Louis announces proudly at his work. He grabs the polaroid and they take their first photo from it: a selfie of the three with the new decorations and put it on the door.

They fall back onto the beds and Louis pulls out his phone. No new messages, nothing new anywhere. And of course, why would there be?

The bus screeches to a halt and the driver announces that they need to fill up with gas. So slowly the whole parade arrives and Niall enters Bus 1.

"This is nice," he compliments their efforts with a smile.

After a while of Niall sneaking away a few snacks and a video game, they resume their journey and within half an hour reach LA.

Louis has always loved LA. It had been his dream, one he never thought he would have actually accomplished. Being the theatre kid in a high school from Doncaster doesn't really bring a lot of opportunities with it. But when you have friends like Liam and Zayn, forget performing in LA, they might even carry you to Mars if you wanted that. They worked hard with him, day and night till one day he finally got attention from a talent group of Soul Managements and was recruited along with his whole team.

But, along with it came Harry. Louis doesn't mind working with Harry. The lad's talented and they both work well together. But in his opinion, that's all they do well. But again Louis hasn't tried to put in an effort to prove that. He just knows. Like he knows that no matter how much deeper he falls for him, Harry will always deserve better.

He smiles to himself as he pulls out a laptop and plugs in his headphones. It's a sad smile or realization that Harry will never be his. He always knew that, but that didn't mean it hurt any less whenever he thought of it.

He watches Liam talk to Maya on the phone; all smiles and cuteness. Even Zayn would go out with some girl once in a while. Niall had been in a long distance relationship since the beginning of the century. But Harry and Louis, the superstars, had remained single since the beginning of their career. Even with about thousands of teenagers dying for them. Just because they're dying for each other and won't admit it.

A/N: Helloo to whoever is still reading. I hope you like this chapter, and vote and comment for it. Lots of love and TPWK!

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