On the Floor, Watch me Bleed

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They carefully sneak into the hotel, past a small yet roaring crowd of paparazzi and fans. Louis makes sure to hide Harry behind him at all times, even if he is smaller than him. Harry just smiles at the effort and lets Louis guide him inside. Absent-mindedly, Louis grips Harry's hand while he pulls him through.

A sudden noise starles them and they look back to find a camera's blinding flash. Harry's stomach drops and he turns to Louis who's eyes had turned a bright red.

"Go in, Harry." He grits and Harry hesitates but eventually goes inside. He lingers at the door, peeking through the glass at Louis. He could only see the back of his head and the pap in a baseball cap and cloth mask.

A worry rises in him, he knows Louis' temper. He knows how mad Louis can get and how much trouble that can invite. The last thing they need is trouble. He keeps on peering till he sees Louis turn towards him. He shifts his glance to the floor and pretends (and fails) that he hadn't just been stalking him.

"I told you to go in," Louis says first thing when he walks in.

"Since when do I take orders from you?" He says with a sarcastic smile and Louis chuckles dryly. "What did you say to him?" The tone changes.

"Nothing, just made sure he deleted the photo," Louis tries but Harry raises his eyebrows at him. "Fine, I may or may not have used a few adjectives that may sound threatening. But nothing else."

"You always do this. Do you like to invite trouble?"

"I think you meant 'thank you for saving me ass, Louis', and you are welcome." Louis flicks his hair and advances in the direction of the elevator. Harry follows him with a smile on his face. They both reach their floor and Louis digs inside his pocket for keys.


Harry looks at him with expecting eyes and finds Louis' face pale. "No no no, you did not- Louis fucking Tomlinson did you forget the keys?" He screeches.

"It's not like you remembered them! There was a lot going on, alright?" Louis defends himself and Harry sighs. They both run their hands through their hair and Harry makes many exaggerated gestures before flopping down on the carpet in front of his room's door.

"What are you doing?" Louis poses and Harry just shrugs and pouts.

He just looks at Harry slowly making himself comfortable on the floor, shifting around and stretching his long legs that reach halfway through the hallway. What the hell is wrong with this guy? He had just, not an hour ago, revealed his darkest secret and now he is sitting on the floor BLEEDING as if nothing ever happened.

But, Louis' knees grew weaker by the moment. Urges to join him were fought off but after a moment a "Fuck it, " is said and he joins Harry. Sitting opposite him on the floor. Backs against walls and necks arched back, they stay in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Harry softly groans every now and then with pain from his arm but Louis wants to help, but how?

"So," He starts awkwardly, "We could go down and ask them for keys or something?" Unhelpful, but okay.

"Yeah, no. I would much rather not explain myself to more people right now." Harry's voice is dry and Louis nods, just a little scared.

"Not more people, but what about us? Can I ask?" He is vague but the point gets across to Harry who isn't facing Louis anymore. He had shifted to leaning on his side on the mirror wall behind him, looking at his own reflection and glancing at Louis'.

Why the fuck does he care? He thinks again and again and lifts his sleeve to his forehead to wipe off sweat that isn't really there. His heartbeat races a mile a minute and he rests his forehead on his folded arms.

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