Poor drug guy

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Just a heads up, I'm terrible when it comes to punctuation and have not written a story in a while. I also am not the best writer in general so some of this might not make any sense.

He stood infront of the door, inside he would find out if torture or execution was his fate. He was the leader of a group known for their drugs.The only problem was that those drugs had been stolen, more specifically stolen from the Mafia. Their inside man was caught and killed after a month of torture so now it was his turn for punishment. He was led into the room but the men dressed in all black, their eyes covered by dark glasses.

"Ah, welcome!" said the man behind the desk, his smile was that of pure evil. The man placed some papers down before motioning for the guards to step forward.

"So, I heard you're the leader of this little crime ring?" The man asked, looking up from his desk.

"Yes, you can have me just don't hurt the young ones."

"Now why would we do that? The young ones can be so useful." The boss smiles, placing his head on his hands. That smile seems to fade within seconds though as the door to the office is flung open. Whoever entered didn't even bother to shut it.

"MORRIIII!" A brunet boy walked in, his face had bandages on it so it was safe to assume most of his body also had them. The boy flung his coat off onto Mori's chair, then deciding to flop his body on the couch.

"Chuuya was being mean again, he said that I had no souulll!" The boy was waving his hands in the air, Mori was just pinching the bridge of his nose, "I shoot a few god damn people and suddenly I don't have a soul! How rude of that little chibi!" Dazai rolls on his side to face the boss, continuing his rant, "Plus who is Chuuya to tell me that I don't have a soul! He's the one who catches bullets and throws them back at people!" The boy was now making little finger guns mimicking someone shooting.

"Dazai please shut up," Mori says, throwing the boys jacket off his chair. Mori and Dazai, so those are the names of these individuals, but what's Dazai in this situation? Is he Moris son, maybe a coworkers child, he didn't look anywhere over 14 so there's no way he's anything but those things.

"But Mori! Chuuya has been so mean to me oh so many timeesss! Can you at least have Ozaki talk to him?" The boy was now sitting up pouting at the Mafia boss.

"Hey, who's this guy?" Dazai says,walking towards Mori, pouting when his question wasn't answered, "Mori whose this?" Dazai says once again, "Is he a friend? Wait, never mind he has handcuffs on. A prisoner? Waaiiit..is this sexua-" The brunet was cut off by a piece of duct tape being placed over his mouth.

"Osamu," Mori uses a stern tone, "I was going to tell this prisoner his current fate, now please go sit on the couch I'll deal with you later." The younger boy seems to pout before walking over to the couch and facing away from the other in the room.

"I'm sorry about him."

"It..it's fine, who is he?" Mori looks over at the young boy on the couch contemplating if he wants to make this meeting longer just to annoy the kid.

"That's Dazai, he's like a mini me but more annoying," Mori says with a smile watching as the younger boy turns around just to flip him off.

"Ok, can we just get to the point of this meeting then?" Mori smiles and grabs a folder once again.

"Ok, I'll just get to the point then!" Mori says excitedly, "you are to not die but instead be tortured by my finest since your gang was such an annoyance." Mori smiles as the man does not look up but instead keeps his gaze toward the floor.

"Dazai please come here now," Mori pulls a smaller chair out next to his desk and calls the boy to his side.

Dazai quickly but gracefully moves over to the older man's side placing himself on the chair. Mori then moves his hand up to the boy's face and rips the tape off.

"Hello again I'm Dazai this is Mori I think we'll get along great I mean you're people did torture for the mission I was actually kidnaped on, they're good but not as good as me," Mori seems to slap his own face as the boys talking starts up again at full speed.

"Jesus, ok let's get this done, Dazai will be torturing you from now on. I will tell you now that you are the boys first victim that he can torture until they die so be ready," the younger boy seems to be jumping in his seat with excitement.

"Finallyyyy! You won't believe how long I've waited for this. Mori kept giving me the people that we needed information from so I couldn't kill them, but now! I can do whatever I want with you!" Dazai jumps up grabbing the man's hand and spinning around in circles.

"Let's go lets go go go!" The brunet drags the other man out of the room and into a basement, before he knew it he was chained to a wall with a blindfold on.

"I wanna try this new thing! Chuuya said I shouldn't do it on people we needed information from but Mori keeps saying my hands aren't steady enough when doing surgery's soooo," he does a little drum roll with his fingers, "I'm gonna practice on you! Yay!" The man suddenly felt a scalpel cutting his leg open from the bottom up.

"Soooo your people sold a lot of stolen drugs huh?" The brunet seems to want a conversation.

"Yeah..yeah we sold dru-" The man was cut off by his own scream. Dazai seemed to now be cutting close to the bone of his thigh.

"Now now come on we've barely started, wipe those silly tears away would ya!" Dazai lifts a hand to wipe a stream of tears that are now running down the man's face.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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