Mr Pigeon 1

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Marinette Pov

"You only have one day to work on your fashion piece, and it must be your own design. In ten hours your fittest presentation will be judged by none other than the great fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, the father of our very own student Adrien Agreste. In fact, Adrien will model the winning design in his next photoshoot." Oh my Kwami, yes a fashion competition I'm so excited  "And now, to announce this year's theme: derby hats." NOOOO

"Derby hat, derby hat, derby hat, derby hat...! I don't have any derby hat designs. I've got top hats, caps, even two-horned hats! Need a beret? I'm your girl. A sombrero? No problem-o. But a derby?! You know what? It won't even matter, 'cause I'll probably make a total fool of myself at the event, most likely trip over my stupid derby and collapse on Mr. Agreste; give him a full-blown concussion. I'll never be a world-renowned fashion designer. MY LIFE IS OVER!" "It'll be okay Marinette you save Paris daily a fashion competition should be easy" "Yeah sugar cube is right" "Ok your right. I just need some inspiration"

I'm at the Trocadero sketching and I just cant think of anything. I then see a man feeding the pigeons, Officer Roger, Sabrina's dad, scolds him for feeding the pigeons and he was sent away and from what Roger was saying he's been banned from every park. Yeesh that was harsh. Tikki slowly flies out and says "What a unique character he was like a human bird" "A human bird, feathers, that's it a feather themed derby hat" I quickly start sketching luckily it a pretty simple design I'm going for with an accent feather at the top. I head to home to start making the hat. When I get home I realise I didn't get a feather. So I head back. After only a couple minutes of searching I found a good a feather for the hat. As I head back the traffic gets weird being stopped as I leave the bus I discover the reason a lot of pigeons all standing in the middle of the road When suddenly the news alert goes out "Pigeons have taken over Paris we don't wait I'm being told the Akuma Mr Pigeon is making an announcement" "Oh, dreary day, poor Parisians. Coo coo. Sorry to ruffle your feathers, but Paris now belongs to the pigeons! Flap flap!" I run off into a back ally "Looks like another akuma, Tikki, Plagg, Unify"

I'm going across the rooftops looking for Mr. Pigeon, When I see a flock of Pigeons in the shape of a plane. "That's weirder than usual." I follow the pigeons. Eventually they lead me to the top of the bourgeois hotel. When I get there *Clang* a metal cage is dropped on top of me "what" when it falls Mr. Pigeon comes floating up standing on top of his pigeons, as other pigeons surround the cage. "Turpy day I'm so ruthless" then his face glows purple showing the sign of Hawkmoth talking to him. "Your Miraculous. Give them to me or face the wrath of my feathered friends." The pigeons turn around their butts facing me, gross. "Dada-dee, on the count of three, my beloved pigeons will commence fire. You can still say you're sorry skin by handing me your Miraculous. One, two..." I think of using my cataclysm but hold back in stead I ready my staff "Going up" I extend it bringing me and the cage straight up as it was not bolted to the ground I then slide down and fling the cage towards the akuma "How about you return to your bird cage" The cage lands trapping Mr. Pigeon I go to finish him off by breaking the akumatized object when "You cant keep this bird cage" he then blows on his whistle the pigeons come towards making a pigeon tornado as he escapes "I thought you were a pigeon not a chicken" "I'm no chicken I'm just going to kill two birds with one stone" as he runs. 

I follow behind him using my baton to pole vault and yo-yo to swing. He then heads into the Grand Palais instead of heading in after him I sneak on to the roof to get a good view. "So he took the park rangers, and is that Sabrina's dad. Oh wait duh the Pigeon guy is Mr. Pigeon, how did I not realise that till now." anyway it doesn't matter, and now he's monologuing to his prisoners, perfect time to get him. I open up one of the panels and throw my yo-yo tying it around his arms "Ah help me my feathered friends" he calls as I jump down, the pigeons around him do nothing, because he hasn't blown his whistle. Which he cant cause his all tied up. "I'll take that" I grab the whistle and drop to the ground stomping on it, breaking it. "No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye bye, little butterfly." and done now for the finish "Miraculous Ladybug" Everything returns to normal and as I'm heading back home I realise I didn't use any of my powers, with the exception of miraculous ladybug that battle, maybe he was just easy or maybe I'm getting better.

I get back home "Tikki, Plagg Divide" they both fly out "Hey Mari good job didn't need your powers again, you have been graced by needing to feed me slightly less cheese." "You usually have five Danishes a day how much is less" "four" I roll my eyes "ok help yourself you to Tikki I need to finish the hat in" I look at the clock, considering my other commitments I only have "Two hours" to work on my hat "NOOOO, I cant do this" Tikki comes back up "yes *mrrpph* you can Marinette, *mrrpph* as long as you try hard and do our best *mrrpph* you can win" "yeah your right though that speech would've sounded better if you weren't talking with your mouth full" I get to work staying up past when I usually going to sleep. "Its finished" "Good job see I told you you could do it, but now get some rest" I nod and head to sleep

"Marinette wake up" huhhah "wh-*yawn*what time is it" "you have school in 10 minutes "10 MINUTES" I hurriedly get ready. I arrive at the competition just on time wishing it was in the afternoon not the morning.  I arrive and place my hat as I see the Agreste Limo pulling up. "hey girl nice Derby hat but there might be a problem" Alya points to Chole and she has the exact same hat, how did she. I'm panicking but I can do this I have proof, judges go to Choles hat before mine and then come to me. I'm just now realising that Mr. Agreste is on the tablet "What is the meaning of this" Chole then screeches "Oh my god Dupain-Cheng copied my hat, that thieving wrench" "Sorry for the situation Mr. Agreste but I can prove its mine, I could talk about how it's hand-made-- from the embroidery, to the weaving of the band, to the stitching of the brim. Or I can show you my design signature on Choles and my hat" Chole recoils "Nathalie confirm what she is saying" Nathalie grabs Chole hat while I show my own showing the hidden signature sewn into the hat. "In that case I think we have a winner, Miss..." "Marinette" "Miss Marinette is the winner and her hat will be worn by Adrian during our next advertising campaign." He hangs up the call, "Good job Marinette , Can I try it on." I nod and Adrian put it on and "Achhhoooo. sorry I'm allergic to feather." "pfffttt, its okay I'll make an artificial one for the show."

Marinette; creator and calamityWhere stories live. Discover now