Now and forever a Slytherin

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The next morning it was Saturday and I went to the common room. I sat in between Draco and Pansy which had become a new normal. We where discussing the Yule ball. I've always wanted to go. All the stories that Harry has told me made it seem so magical, considering this is hogwarts I'm sure it was splendid.

Pan- "heyyyyy y/n who do you plan to go to the ball with?"
You-" I don't know really I'll just wait for someone to ask me I guess"
*blaise smiled and nudged Draco*
Draco- " what the hell Blaise what was that for?"
Pan-" settle down boys, anyway Draco,Blaise whom might you guys be going with"
Draco-" I don't know I haven't decided yet"
Blaise-" same" "Pansy?"
Pan-" Blaise with as little respect as possible I wouldn't want to go with you your simply to immature"
Draco-" what about your little friends y/n whom are they going with"
You-" well as far as I know Hermione is going with Viktor Krum, Ron with Padma Patil, and I'm not on speaking terms with Harry right now so I don't know"
Draco-" oh well why are you not speaking to Potter"
You-" he is pissed I'm a slytherin. It's not my fault though I can't help it"
Draco-" oh but you can, a Slytherin has these thoughts they can't explain only you know them and if it were up to me I'd put you with us to"
You-" I just want to get back at him but it's pointless"
Draco-" come with me"
As I get up just me and Draco go to the dinning hall a little early to get a good spot. Where we ended up was right behind where the " golden trio" sits. Usually they are the first ones in the hall, they thought they where but only this time when they walked in they came to find me and Draco getting our plate. I asked him the plan to get back at Harry and he told me that I'd see, he also said that anything he would say he ment. As expected Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat behind us. Only they where quiet so they could here our conversations.

Draco- " so y/n do you have a date to the Yule ball yet?"
You- " no Draco I've been with you all day. You would've known if I was asked"
Draco- " well then I suppose we could go together,you agree?"
You- " Why not Malfoy I agree."
*they start whispering behind us*
Harry-"what in the"
Ron-"bloody hell"
Mione-" how could she"

Draco-" well I'm glad you agree tomorrow we shall go to Madam Malkins to get you a dress, and me a suit"
You-" very well then. I've got some ideas!"
Draco-"I'll have my mother Narcissa come pick us up in the morning I'm sure she'll love you"
You-" how I'm a Potter"
Draco- " we can't discuss this here let's go to my dorm"
As we get up and leave Draco hooks my arm in his. When I tell you I've never gotten a look so cruel from brother before whenever he seen me walk out with Draco. Whenever we got to the common room and started walking to his dorm I had asked him if he really wanted to go to the Yule ball with me, for me, or to piss off Harry. He said it was for me. I know he don't lie his father put a spell on him recently so he couldn't.

Word count 592

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