Chapter 4

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I finally made it to the car park with my keys in hand.But before I could even reach the handle I felt a very gentle tap on my shoulder.
"Hello Diane"
What does this man want from me now.
"Earth to Diane"

No.I didn't zone out.I was just ignoring him.He tapped me on my shoulder once more.I clench my fist slightly and turned around.
"Hello Mr alder"
"What did I say about the name love"
"Oh sorry,hi Dominic"

"You don't look excited to say me"
"In my defence sir I am extremely tired"
"Fair enough"
"I'll be on my way home now"
He said before I could enter my car.
"My initial reason for coming here was to tell you that you will be working in the room next to mine from tomorrow"

"Okay,umm thanks for letting me know"
"No problem,drive safe Bella"
"Umm uh yo-you too"
Did this man just call me Bella.

I know I don't speak any other language than English but I know that he just called me..
You know what I don't even want to remind myself what that man said.He is my boss and my boss only I have no business catching feelings.


I finally made it home.My legs were tired so instead of taking the stairs I took the elevator.
I left the elevator and walked right up to my door.Just to be met with the one and only DOMONIC.
Since it was at least 8:30 I decided to keep more quiet.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here"I whisper yelled.
"Why are you whispering"he says in a normal voice.
"Because I have old ass neighbours okay"
"Okay Bella"he says while chuckling.
"What do you want now"

My patience is being tested.
"I just want your number"
"And why is that"
He stands there blank faced.
I got fed up and brushed past him to open my apartment door.I made it inside trying to close the door before he could get in.But he stuck his big ass foot between my door.

"You tried to get rid of me Bella,I'm hurt"
He pouts  his lips.
I giggle a little.

"Just hurry up"
"That's what she said"
"Hah hah sooooo funny"
I say blank faced.
"Jeez calm down we're not at work you can just chi-"
Before he could finish his sentence my phone went of.

Girl I'm coming over because alli has her man over.
"Shit"I whisper silently.
"Don't swear Bella your too beautiful for that"
"Sorry it's just my friend is coming over and she doesn't know about you or my promotion or anything like that so-"
He cut me off.

"Are you saying I have to leave"
Even though I didn't necessarily want him to stay my mom raised me better than that.
"No no your okay just be prepared she treats me like I'm her daughter"
As soon as I finished what I was saying her crazy ass came bursting through the door.
"HEY "She screamed.
"Girl be quiet"

I said slightly annoyed at her.
"Oh okay I see you"she says looking Dominic up and down"
I roll my eyes and sigh.
"Before you even say anything there is nothing going on I legit met him today"

Dominic put his hand over his heart pretending to look hurt.
"Okay ill leave you be but just know I'm staying the night tonight"
"I don't really care about that right now all I care about is if you locked my door with the spare key that YOU took"
"Chill I'll go do it in a sec"

I walked up to her and popped her on the arm.
"Ow I know I'm not that smartest person but I think that's classified as abuse"
Dominic chuckled.
"The fuck you laughing at"
"Amey you can't say that"
"You know what I'm gonna go for a walk"
"Yeah go do that Amey"

With that she left.
"I'm going to be going now too Bella"

He leaned down slowly wrapping his hand around my waist and softly kissing my forehead.Then whispering in my ear.

"You will be mine if it's in a few days or a few years I promise you Bella you will belong to me"
Before I could say or do anything he left me.With my thighs clenched together to try and release the pressure that was beginning to build up between my legs.


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