Chapter 29

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Mine and Dominic's moment ends when a tall figure appears in the door way of the basement.From the strong smelling cologne alone and the silk black hair, I knew who it was.


"Oh hey"
He says smirking at me as he approaches the couch me and Dominic are sat on.

I feel him tense up causing me to give him a concerned look.He says nothing.No smile.No nod. Just a blank expression staring at his brother.

"Don't come in to my house and speak to my woman before you speak to me"
Dominic's voice booms throughout the basement.
I place my hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down a little bit. For gods sake this man just got shot and he's about to attack his brother.

"Relax bro,I'm sure she doesn't mind"
He winks at me.........Eww.Just fucking eww.
I can tell Dominic notices how uncomfortable his brothers making me feel because he sits up even further.

"Axel,say what you need to say to me or shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of my house"
They stare eachother down with the most hatred I've ever seen in anyone's eyes.

"It's fine I'll just, I'll go back upstairs"
I say rubbing Dominic's shoulders.I turn my head over to Axel.

"You don't need to leave just say what you need to say" Dominic still doesn't look at me but rubs my thighs as I get up to go upstairs.

When I'm about to walk through the door Dominic calls out to me.
"I'll be up there in a minute baby"
He says scarily in a very monotone voice not making eye contact with me.

I sit in the bed with my legs criss crossed for a good 10 minutes on my phone. Until Luciano half opens the door with half his body in the door and his head facing away.

"You decent?"
I laugh, "yeah I'm decent"

"Oh cool okay, Dominic wants you downstairs"
He says still facing away.

"Alright give me a second"
I run across the room to put on one of my (his) favourite hoodies.

I only like it cause it smells like him and it's a size XL so its basically a dress on me.

I run down the stairs nearly slipping cause of the socks to marble combination.

I'm half way down the unnecessarily long staircase when I see Dominic try to get himself up off of the couch.But once he's on one leg he buckles and falls right back down onto where he was sat before.

He throws his head into his hands in defeat. I hear him grunt and mutter a curse word in Italian that I picked up from being around him so much.

We make eye contact,he looks away with a half shameful look on his face.

I walk my way down to the bottom of the stairs noticing how many guards there are.I pause looking around at all of them.

"Leave.All of you,leave, now."
They all whip their heads around at me with disbelief on their faces.

I don't budge. "Out.Now." I point at the door.
They look to Dominic for some form of approval or reassurance but Dominic doesn't say a thing.

All of them walk with scarily straight posture out the door.Making my way over to Dominic,I pull the sleeves of the hoodie down over my hands and take a deep breath.

I stop infront of him waiting to see if he says anything, nothing. I lift his chin forcing him to look at me like he always does.

His eyes finally meet mine.

I straddle him, "You do know that just because your injured that doesn't mean that I see you as weak or any less brave right? I still know that you can protect me."

My fingers venture their way through his hair as he leans into my hand. He gently wraps his arms around my waist.
"I know baby, I know, but I don't like that if anything were to happen I'd have to rely on somebody else to protect you"he mumbles.

I smile gently at his vulnerability.
"But that's still protecting me, even if you're not the one physically doing it yourself, you still make sure all these guards keep me safe."

I take a second just to stare at him."Loving me the way you do makes me feel safe.Holding me the way you do makes me feel safe"

He pulls me in, burying his face into my chest.When he pulls away I see the redness in his eyes causing me to cup his face with my hands.

"Protecting you is the only way I know how to show you that I love you"he whispers.

I pull him in for a hug.We stay exactly like this, in each others arms for a solid minute.

"You show me that you love me everyday,you just don't realise cause you don't have the pleasure of feeling how strongly you love me. But if you did, you'd never doubt how much we love eachother"
I softly smile at him.

He brings my hands from his face and places gentle kisses on my fingers.

"We're forever." He says with his words muffled.

God please give this man peace.

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