1 - Just a 'Normal' Night

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What's up bitches, and bros, and non-binary hoes! Today the TW are : Screaming, Cursing, Mentions of abandonment, and Crappy Content! Hope you enjoy!

Tommy's POV

I grab my mask, spear, but I still feel like I'm missing something... Oh right Tubbo! I yell "TUBBO I"M GOING OUT OKAY!" I hear stomping come closer to me and someone grabs my ear, I assume it's Tubbo, and I hear him scream in my ear "COME BACK WITH NO CUTS, BURNS, OR BRUISES, ALSO COME BACK BY 10:00 PM, WE HAVE WORK TOMORROW, also be safe and don't do to many drugs!" What the fuck is that suppose to mean? Oh right, Tubbo said he got us a job, but damn I didn't think we would start so soon... Anywho "Okay bitchyboy!" Then I bolt out the door before he can hit me. I start strolling though the streets, I mean there probably isn't going to be any activity. There hasn't been any recently, at least in our district. WAIT, so you know how there's a law saying we can't enter any other districts? Well I say SCREW THAT SHIT! I run to a near by graveyard and pull up a few souls, one of them has teleportation. Here goes nothing I close my eyes and think of where I want to go, then I open my eyes. I'm still at the graveyard... "Hey Mr.Johnson how do I teleport?" I ask the soul, he replies with a lazy voice "Just say the name out loud..." I say "DISTRICT 10!" then I appear in a place, it's the border line for district 10 and 9! Which district has more crime? District 9 for sure! I cross the border and see a cop shining a light to see if anyone's illegally crossing the border, I run as fast as I can away from the border line, and I end up in a dark alleyway, then suddenly I hear voices saying things like "Can we go home already?! Please Dadza! Techno or should I say King Blade, is mocking what I say in battles!" wait... KING BLADE?! I have to go, but the teleportation power ran out! Shit Shit Shit! Their footsteps are coming closer... Okay Tommy this is where the acting skills Tubbo taught you are gonna come in handy... I take off my mask and hide it in my hoodie I cuddle my spear like a stuff animal, and tuck my head down into my hoodie. I hear the footsteps stop in front of me. I feel a hand poke my head, and hear a soft voice say "Hey... Um kid are you okay?" I bring my head up and act helpless, like a kid who just got abandoned. I ask them a very dumb question "W-Who are you?" I knew who they were from their battle gear, it was The Crow, Arrow, and King Blade. Why didn't they just kill me though? Arrow was the one in front of me, and he asked "Whats your name?" but I felt like I was forced to speak, I think it was his power, it has something to do with his eyes. "My name is Tommy Innit, I'm from district 11" WHAT THE FUCK!? Why did I say that last part!? The guy known as Arrow looked unamused yet so entertained by my answer, "District 11, huh... How did you end up here?" I look away from his eyes acting like I couldn't remember "Uh... I think I was with my parents and a cop appeared and he took me here, he said something like 'Your not meant to be here' sorry I can't remember sir..." his eyes softened for a spit second. Then he grabbed my face and forced me to look at him then he whispered something that only I could hear "Once I ask this answer with the most child like answer you can, I'm saving you from them." then he started to speak loud again "Do you know who we are?" this time he wasn't compelling me to answer, but I still spoke out as soon as the question was asked "Um... No, but you seem nice!" King Blade finally spoke up and said "Can we just go!? This kid was probably left here for a reason, besides we have to get home!" they all silently agreed, and they all left. Soon after that I went home, I had gotten another teleportation power from another soul. I arrived home and there Tubbo was on the couch asleep, I think he was trying to wait for me but he could wait anymore. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, cleaned my healing cuts, and then I went to bed. I hear a loud voice yell "TOMMY WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR OUR FIRST DAY TOMMYBFDNBBDBIUXSDVJSOFNIOJ!" I scream "I'M UP!" I get up and put on a while shirt and white pants that Tubbo got me, then he put on the same thing. We then put on our shoes and left the house, we ran to the new job we tried oh so hard for...

That's all for today! Sorry If you didn't like it, but I don't care, just kidding I do care so don't tell me! 

Word Count - 881 Words

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