Breakfast Date

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A dark room full of red eyes stared down at you, their faces blurred and unrecognizable. You were seated in a stiff chair, unable to move your body. Your heart was beating fast, and sweat was forming on your temple.

You tried to speak, to ask what was happening. No sound came from your lips, however. You were mute. Your breathing quickened at the revelation, your stomach churning anxiously.

Around you, the faceless vampires began to whisper among themselves. You could only hear a few, jumbled words that seemed to be directed at you.

Liar. Murderer. Adulterer. Pathetic.

You wanted to ask them what they were talking about. What made you those things? You didn't tell major lies, at least not that often. You had never done anything to endanger the life of someone else, either. You had not cheated on your spouse, as you didn't even have one. And, why were you pathetic?

One of the faceless vampires finally stepped forward. He was tall and muscular, and donned in an old, weathered blue suit. It was severely outdated, and you could have sworn you had seen something similar in a museum before.

You looked up at him, your eyes wide as he brought a hand up to your cheek. "Traitor." He said, his deep voice laced with anger. You wanted to move your head away from his hand, as his skin was ice cold.

His hand trailed it's way down to your chin, and he grabbed it. He leaned forward so that his face was level with yours, and finally you were able to make out his features.

His eyes were no longer red, but a dark brown instead. His thick hair was darker than night, and styled neatly. His old suit was brighter, less worn looking. And, he was also smiling down at you with dimpled cheeks.

Your body felt as though it was loosening up, and you finally managed to take in a deep breath. The tall man removed his hand from your chin, and took a step away.

"You were quite unfocused for a moment there. Are you alright?" He asked, taking a seat in the chair across from you. You looked around you, expecting to see the many red eyes around you again.

Instead, you were greeted by a pretty library that looked straight out of an old mansion. It smelled of old parchment and vanilla, and it was bright with sunlight thanks to the large glass dome in the ceiling.

When had your surroundings changed?

You looked back to the man, confused. "Where am I?" You asked, frowning. You went to fidget with the hem of your shirt, which was a nervous habit of yours. Instead, you found a mass of silken fabric.

Surprised, you looked down at your lap. You were wearing a golden gown, one that seemed to be from the same era as the man across from you. You looked back up to him, confused.

He stared back at you, concern on his face. "Are you alright?" He asked, his brow raised. "You're acting a bit...strange. Do you feel sick?" He reached across the table next to you, and picked up a lightly decorated teapot.

"I-I'm fine. Just confused. Can you tell me where I am?" You asked, moving to stand. Now was not the time for a fancy tea party. Where were you, and why were you there?

The man placed the teapot down and stood before he was able to pour anything out of it, urging you to stay put. "I think that you may be sick. Please, wait here while I grab the healer." He said. "In the meantime, have some tea."

A SEALED FATE: Ruby Encrusted Cages (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now