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Why does this...this thing want me?

To be its fucking bride? That's...that's insane. Out of everyone in Derry, why me? Why the hell does this fucking clown want me?

The only peace I found was in my sleep. No one is there to take me away from Bill. I was able to see Georgie again. All my problems were gone. But those short moments in dreamland had to end because I woke up. Why couldn't I just stay asleep forever?

Bill and I met up with everyone else at Beverly's house. She called early in the morning saying she had an emergency and that she wanted us to hurry over. Beverly sounded really frantic on the phone so of course, we rushed over.

"You made it. I..." the teen breathed out. "I need to show you something."

"What is it?" Ben asked.

 "More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie asked.

Eddie gave him a disgusted look. "Shut up. Just shut up, Richie."

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment," Beverly said.

I slowly nodded in understanding. "Ok, um," I began. "Well, I'm not a boy so if your dad comes then I'll say I'm babysitting them."

"Babysitting?" Stanley asked ridiculously.

"Hey, I wouldn't mind our hot babysitter," Richie said.

"Seriously, Richie?" I asked annoyingly. An evil idea came to my head. "Ok, fine, just for that you can be on lookout." I motioned to Ben and the others as we got off our bikes. We followed Beverly toward the fire escape. "Let's go."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What if her dad comes back?"

"Do what you always do. Start talking," Stanley stated. I let out a small snort as I let the kids go first.

"It is a gift."

"More like a curse!" I retorted.

We climbed through the windows. Beverly led us to her bathroom. "In there," she said.

Cautiously taking a step forward, I began making my way. "If something jumps out at us, run," I told them.

"N - Nothings gonna happen," Bill reassured me.

"You sure?" Eddie stuttered. "I just want you to know that 89% of the worst accident in homes are caused in bathrooms. And - And, I mean, that's where all the bacteria and fungi are and it's not really a sanitary place..."

"If you're scared then you can run back out and be with Richie," I suggested. Eddie shook his head. "Ok, then."

Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened the bathroom door. My mouth dropped open as we were greeted by nothing but red. Blood coated the bathroom walls. More than that...this bathroom was decorated with nothing but blood. Blood all over the walls, ceiling, shower, and everything else.

"I knew it," Eddie gagged.

"You see it?" Beverly asked.

I nodded. "Now I'm glad Richie's not here. He might have made a comment about us being in sync."

"What...What happened in here?" Stanley wondered.

"My dad couldn't see it. I thought I might be crazy," Beverly explained.

"Well, if you're crazy, then we're all crazy," Ben said.

"We - We can't leave it like this," Bill stuttered.

I agreed. "Ok, let's get to cleaning then."


Cleaning that bathroom felt like an eternity. I don't know how many times we've had to empty the bucket once it was nothing but blood. I'm not even sure how many times I had to wash the curtains because the blood wouldn't come out.

Pennywise Loves Me?》It (2017)Where stories live. Discover now