Chapter 1

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The Izumi home was calm and pleasant as the morning sun rose over the horizon. The sun's rays shined through the porch window of the lone son's bedroom, who suddenly bolted up from his sleep, sweat dripping down his face. Groaning softly, Shinichi Izumi ran a hand across his face.

Awoken from yet another Mr. A nightmare. It was the third one since the attack on his school the previous week. Well, not necessarily on his school, rather on Shinichi himself. He was the one the man had been after anyways. However, Shinichi doubted Mr. A would have had an issue going after his classmates if the need presented itself.

That had all happened the previous week, and the school had shut down for a few days to handle the situation, which they believed had been a simple intruder. How wrong they were.

Shinichi lifted his left hand, holding it above his face as he fell back on the bed. He could vividly remember, almost feel, what it had felt like when he'd stabbed Mr. A with that broken metal chair leg. The force he had used to shove that sharp end through the parasite's chest. His hand clenched into a fist, and Shinichi let it fall against his slightly damp forehead.

He wondered if Mr. A had actually escaped the school or if he'd eventually bled out from his wounds. They hadn't actually seen him die before them, but then again, Mr. A hadn't come back for him or Migi. And Migi never appeared worried about it in the passing days. Maybe Ryoko Tamiya had finished him off. There had been that explosion in one of the science labs not long after Mr. A had retreated from their battle. Perhaps, it had been that. Migi never appeared worried about it in the passing days.

Ryoko didn't seem like the type to leave around loose ends. She quit her teaching role and disappeared after their little chat near the gym. Shinichi didn't know whether he should be more worried or relieved about it. Again, it was another situation Migi wasn't conflicted about at all. At least, if he was, he never made it known to Shinichi.

Speaking of Migi...

"Migi," Shinichi called out quietly, grabbing his glasses from the nightstand. Shoving them onto his face, he looked over at his desk when he received no response from the parasite. Migi was usually up and about long before Shinichi ever was.

Shinichi blinked as he saw that Migi wasn't at his computer. The desktop screen was still off as he'd left it the night before, the dark glass reflecting Shinichi's form right back at him. He raised his right hand that the parasite had taken over, and there was no golden hazel eye looking back at him or a mouth ready to speak to him. His hand seemed as normal as ever, which Shinichi shouldn't have found strange, but he did. On the rare chance that Shinichi woke before Migi, the parasite would at least respond when called.

"Migi?" Shinichi called out again, sounding more like a question now. He turned his arm left and right, looking for any signs of Migi, but again, he received no response. Shinichi grimaced in annoyance. Was Migi ignoring him? Shinichi didn't think he'd done anything recently to warrant that from Migi, nor did it seem like Migi would do it in the first place. Could parasites be petty?

Shinichi snapped Migi's name louder, even shaking his arm rapidly in hopes of gaining his attention. That was when he heard a slight groan. It didn't come from him or his hand. It was a bit farther away, and Shinichi leaned to the side, spotting a pale foot peeking out from the end of his bed on the floor. Slowly, Shinichi crept towards the other end of his bed, shifting his covers to the side. Then, the foot moved, and brown eyes widened as a nude male came into view. Laying on his bedroom floor, the male was sat up slightly, rubbing his eyes.

Shinichi screamed—a manly scream, he'll insist to his dying day—and tripped out of bed. He backed away from his bed, his back bumping sharply against his desk Seconds later, rushed footsteps were heard coming towards his room from the hall.

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