Chapter 1 - Returning Home

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It had been at least an hour since the portal dropped the chain in a different Hyrule. The usual question of, "Anyone know who's Hyrule this is?" was met with the immediate answer of, "It's mine," by Legend when he noticed the barren, hilly landscape covered in dry grass. Thus, they started the journey to his home, to gather supplies, rest comfortably for a few days, but most importantly, at least to him, to see the ones he left behind so suddenly. More specifically, Legend looked forward to seeing Ravio.

He and the merchant have been living together for almost four years. The veteran hated every second of him being around and messing with his things at first, but he soon grew a fondness towards Ravio over time. On the off chance either of them had to leave for a bit, Legend missed him. And he never missed anyone. It took him a while to realize that the feelings he felt towards Ravio were love and took him an even more ridiculous amount of time to admit it... both out of pride and fear of looking soft and fear of rejection. He did eventually confess to the merchant and was happily surprised to find that he felt the same way about him.

Adjusting to the new found affection took a while. He usually hated showing his emotions as it made him feel vulnerable, but over time he felt more and more safe to be himself around his love. Ravio was always the first to hug, cuddle, kiss and hold hands. Eventually, Legend became comfortable initiating these himself. They had officially been partners for a year and a half, though he wished it had been longer... Unfortunately, being the hero of Hyrule meant being whisked away on long adventures with no warning.

Speaking of, he tried to not make it apparent that he wasn't thinking about Ravio and his relationship with him. He already knew that, if given any chance, he would be teased if not questioned a bunch by certain members of the chain.

"Someone's quiet..." Time teased, still focused on walking.

"Shit," Legend thought.

"You wouldn't happen to be thinking about a certain someone, would you?" he continued to jest.

As if on cue, everyone else looked over to the veteran, who now had a scowl on his face. He let out a sigh, trying to ignore the comment and focus on just getting home.

"Are we there yet?"

Legend looked to his shoulder, where Wind was walking beside him.

Looking back ahead he huffed, "No."

Silence again, for what felt like a good five minutes.

"How about now?"

"No," he answered again, his face growing more annoyed.

They turned a corner and continued their trek. Legend looked around his surroundings, noticing the leaves on the trees were starting to fall to the ground. It was the perfect time to go home during fall, his favorite season.

Fall was his favorite for several reasons. Pumpkins grew at this time, which meant pumpkin pie. The leaves started to turn different shades of muted red, orange and yellow which would never cease to be beautiful. Things started to slow down for the winter. Apples grew on the trees and that excited Legend. He never liked apple pie until Ravio made him one as a surprise. Nothing in all the realms tasted better than Ravio's baking and that's saying something considering he's tried a lot of foods on his travels. Speaking of Ravio, his birthday was in the fall, which gave Legend an excuse to stay home and spend time with him, if he pleased.

He remembers the first time he found out when his birthday was and tried to knit a sweater for him as a gift. Ravio always wore cozy and comfortable clothing so it would have been perfect! The problem was, he didn't know how to knit and it took 3 months to learn a basic cast on. When he finally thought he had the hang of it and attempted the sweater, so many things went wrong. The collar was too big, the stitches were super loose and the sleeves were too long, almost touching the floor when on the merchant. Despite it all, Ravio loved it and they had a good laugh about it. The sweater was now a makeshift nest for Sheerow. This was an important memory for Legend because it was during the process of learning to knit that he came to terms with his feelings for Ravio.

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