Chapter 3 - Engaged

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"It's impossible to describe how much love for you is in my heart," Legend starts.

Ravio took a sharp inhale and brought his hands to his mouth to stifle a gasp.

He continues, "I so desperately want you to know that the dream you described of us growing old together is one I share as well."

"Link..." tears began to form in his partner's eyes. He was fanning his face to deter himself from crying.

"You are my other half and we complete each other. I couldn't imagine spending my whole life with anyone but you. You are the perfect partner for me in every way. I wish the circumstances were different and that I could have prepared something special for you. Oh Farore, how I wish I even had just an engagement ring for you at the bare minimum. You deserve more than this impromptu proposal because you mean so much more to me than just a boyfriend."

Ravio tapped his feet in joy, barely able to suppress his emotion.

"You know it's funny, four years ago I couldn't stand the thought of having a roommate or anyone close to me. So many things happened that made me want to shut everyone out. But you never gave up trying to be my friend, no matter what I did. You made me realize that being vulnerable doesn't mean I'm weak but I'm strong enough to accept love and everything that comes with it. You made me feel whole again. No matter where in the world I am, as long as you're there I feel safe, loved and happy." Link smiled, feeling the familiar sting of tears coming to his eyes.

Ravio couldn't hold in the tears any longer and soon felt them roll down his face. His smile would grow bigger and bigger with every sentence.

The hero's face flushed as he thought of the next words he wanted to say. He extended his hand out to his partner, "Ravio, will you make me the happiest person in the universe and marry me?"

"YES!" Ravio exclaimed as he shot off the bench, grabbing Legend's hand and embracing him.

Legend dropped his knee so they were both kneeling upright. He nuzzled in closer.

"A-a million times yes, Link..." Ravio wept into his shoulder.

Legend finally let his tears fall. How blessed was he to have Ravio? He began to draw circles on his partn- no... fiancé's back and rocked him side to side.

"Ravio, I love you so much," he said simply and left a peck on his ear.

"I love you, too... But..."

Ravio lifted his head and wiped the tears away with his sleeve. "You missed," he giggled. Ravio cupped Legend's cheeks and brought their lips together once again.


The men were giddy on their walk back to the cottage. They showered each other with compliments, giggled randomly and stole quick kisses.

This was a side of Link that Ravio hadn't seen in a long time. Not since their first date, in fact. Link was quick to become flustered or romantic so this child-like affection brought him a lot of joy.

Soon this faded when Legend remembered the whole motivation behind the sudden engagement. He rambled, "Now we actually have to plan the wedding. Zelda's already preparing the paperwork for us but we still have to think of a venue, food, a guest list... and let the guys know! Oh, I completely forgot that they are all back there!!!"

There wasn't much of an explanation this morning when the couple left as soon as they woke up. Wild was already cooking up some eggs and toast for the group. Legend angrily grabbed two servings of jam and toast to go and muttered something along the lines of being ready to rip someone's head off.

Ravio managed to squeeze in a, "Sorry to leave so suddenly but we have an urgent meeting. Be back soon!" But he left it at that to chase after his hot-headed love.

14 Day Fiancé - A Linked Universe Legend x Ravio StoryWhere stories live. Discover now