Chapter 4 - Preparations

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It's been a while :)!
Ali and I took a well-deserved break from writing as I started my new full-time job, so apologies for keeping y'all on the edge of your seats.
This won't be as much of a romance-packed chapter. Instead, we give all the lads a small spotlight, hence why it ended up being 18 pages long ahgkshgsjglg.

Truly, it's lovely to be settled back into life again. We hope you enjoy this update! <3


Turns out planning a wedding in two weeks was indeed harder than anyone thought. First came invitations. As much as Wind insisted on being the one to write them, it turned out even though the sailor could read and write, that didn't mean he had the best penmanship. His handwriting was barely decipherable, his letters being jumbled together, spaces being very narrow and his "I's" looked like "L's". After trying several times to correct his mistakes, time was running thin and soon the invitations were shifted over to Sky who had better handwriting.

The boy scowled, finishing off with, "It's not my fault you guys can't read it. My grandma and Ayrll say my handwriting's fine!"

After that small blunder, things were back on track. Sky wrote the invitations and the next day they were given to the mailman to deliver.

Two days later, the chain, Princess Zelda, Ravio and Sheerow were at the sanctuary practising their roles. After a tiring two hours, everyone decided to take a break. Well, almost everyone...

Sky was sitting outside on a nearby log, looking through everything he wrote down. His expression clearly read stressed. Ravio and Sheerow noticed this and decided to see what he was doing.

He leant over to where the taller one sat, "You doing okay?"

Sky nearly jumped out of his skin, almost dropping his scrolls. The sudden movement also startled the merchant who instantly drew back from the other, causing Sheerow to cheep loudly.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" the dark-haired boy apologised as he took a seat.

The brunet took a deep breath realizing who it was. "It's okay. I'm just trying to figure out the best man's speech," Sky said, eyeing the specific scroll he was using to draft.

"You want me to help you with that?"

"No, no, it's fine. I'll figure it out. Actually, now that I have you here, now's a perfect time to ask for your input on the decorations." He handed the smaller a bunch of scrolls.

Sky yawned and Ravio noticed the bags under his eyes. He hoped he wasn't losing sleep over this. Ravio turned his attention to Sky's notes. After a minute, he noticed where Sky wrote flowers was blank. "Did Legend not tell you what type of flowers to get?"

"We didn't have time. I'm guessing you would know what is appropriate?" he asked.

"Okay for flowers..." the merchant started.

Sky instantly pulled out a new sheet and started jotting down words.

"Absolutely make sure chrysanthemums-"

Ravio didn't have time to finish as all of the sudden in the distance a broom zoomed towards him. He yelped as the broom picked him. Sheerow managed to get off in time before the broom zoomed off again, chirping loudly at the sudden disturbance. Its next destination was to zoom towards where Legend was, currently talking to Zelda and Warriors.

With no warning, the hero was also picked up by the broom and whisked away to wherever it came from. The couple screamed in the process. Warriors and Zelda looked in bewilderment.

Sky finally finished what he was writing, "Uh huh, chrysanthemums. What about..." he looked up from his scroll to see the merchant gone, "...them?"


The broom burst into a house, stopping abruptly. The sudden brake caused the pair to fall off it, flat on their faces. They instantly sat up and took in their surroundings. Legend recognized the giant furnace burning at the corner of the room, giving off some light in the dim room. He immediately knew exactly where they were.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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