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    June 5th of the year you turn nineteen you are required by law to go to your nearest Soul building. Once inside you will be given a room number to go to. Once ten people get in that room you will be coached through the process of downloading the Soul app and filling out the information.

    After you have filled out all of the information the app asks you questions that you are to answer on your own. The whole process takes around two and a half hours, sometimes longer if you put a lot of thought into it.

    Once you are done answering questions you have to sit on that room until two numbers show up on your phone screen. The first number is the number of the person you are now paired with for the rest of your life. Your soulmate. That's where the app and process gets it's name. The next number is the apartment you two will live in for the remainder of your life.

    Katsuki Bakugou honestly didn't believe in this soulmate shit, but knowing that he would have to at least live with this person for the rest of his life he put a lot of thought into his answers. He took way longer than the other nine in his group. By the time he finished half had already left.

    "You took a while. Hoping for that perfect match then?" The girl beside him asked.

    Bakugou just lifted up his hand in a way that looked like he was waving her off. The girl just frown and turned away.

    After a few minutes Bakugou's phone dinged. The two numbers showed on his phone and he left the room to go show the people on the bottom floor that would have the packet that had the directions to the apartment complex and the key.

    After he got the packet and key he went to the the parking lot to find his car. He was quite shocked to see that the sun was already setting and the parking lot was practically empty. It made finding his car easier but it also made him realize how much time had actually passed and how tired and hungry he was.

    He stopped at drive through and got himself a couple of burgers, an order of fries, and a soda while silently apologizing to his body. He had no idea if there was going to be food at the apartment and his mom always taught him not to go out and dine alone.

    When he got to the complex he parked in the lot for it and grabbed the bag that had his clothes and the box that had everything he needed for his morning coffee. He decided he'd get the rest of his stuff tomorrow morning and locked his car up after grabbing his last burger.

    He entered the building and took the elevator up to the floor that had his apartment number on it based on the buttons. It was a long hall and he had the apartment at the very end. He already didn't like this place. He didn't have a choice but to live here though.

    His partner wasn't there yet so he left the door unlocked for them. He decided that if they weren't here by the time he went to bed he would lock up.

    He began unpacking the box in the kitchen after sitting his wrapped burger on the provided table. He put the coffee beans and the can that held the already ground beans in a cabinet and noticed that there indeed wasn't anything there. A quick look in the fridge further proved his theory.

    He put his cup on the counter beside where the coffee pot would be. Then he put the coffee pot in it's spot. After that he got the grinder out and put it on the counter. After that he put the extra cups in the cabinet.

    He sat at the table and started to scroll through the messages he had gotten during the testing. Some were from his parents that told him to take his time because he only gets to do this once. A few were from his friends at work that asked every half hour if he was done yet. Then there was the groupchat he had with his parents and the family that counts as basically a second family. Izuku Midoriya, aka Deku, was showing off his match. A bubbly looking girl that was wearing a lot of pink.

    He sent a few text to tell everyone that seemed to care that he got to his new apartment and was going to go to sleep since he was tired. He threw away his now empty burger wrapper and went to the front door. Once it was locked he found the bedroom and collapsed onto the provided bed.


    When he woke up it was to the sound of dishes being put away. With a slight groan he sat up and checked the time on his phone. How was it already noon? He rarely ever sleeps over twelve hours and he went to bed at nine thirty. He had a couple missed calls too. The only reason someone would call is if he had an urgent text from them.

    After checking his messages he shot out of bed and rushed out of the room. He barely heard someone say a good morning as he made his way out the door.

    He thanked his lucky stars that he had his stuff still in the car since that allowed him to change at stop lights, brush his teeth while driving, and make his hair less of a mess. He couldn't believe a model cancelled last minute. Thankfully they had other shoots they could do until he got there.

(One annoying shoot later)

    He wanted to just scream. Almost everyone wanted to know is what his soulmate was like. He couldn't tell them anything since he had to rush out to get there in the first place. They really thought he had enough time to sit down and have a heart to heart with whoever was paired with him.

    He was upset about it the whole way back inside. Didn't even have coffee tbis morning and had to put up with bullshit. Now he has to unpack his things. Thankfully he had a cart that was able to haul the majority of his things. Two trips wouldn't be that bad.

    Upon entering the apartment he heard music playing. Not just any music either. He hasn't heard music like this since his babysitter was no longer needed. She used to dance around with him while playing this music.

    The memories brought a slight smile to his face. She was one of the reasons he was able to get past his child years. She's taught him a lot while babysitting him and would occasionally bring one of her older kids to help her out. He actually works with one of them, got them the job.

    He started unpacking the stuff from the top box while absent mindedly mouthing along to the words. This box was mainly full of things like pictures. All the stuff that belonged in the sitting area.

    He danced around, moving his mannequin with him so he could place it in the corner. He swayed his hips while tossing trow pillows onto the couch. Soon the sitting area was unpacked. All that was left was the kitchen, his few toiletries, and bedroom.

    The kitchen was quick. He had only brought his cooking supplies and a few dishes. He didn't need much else. The toiletries were the quickest. Now he just had the bedroom, which he knew was where his soulmate was.

    He grabbed the bags and made his way to the single bedroom. He had seen the type of decorations his soulmate had. The dishes were sensible as well. Not much stuff was in the bathroom. It was the bedroom he found concerning. He didn't spend much time in his bedroom, but it was still a sacred place. This could make or break how he felt about his soulmate, so with a deep breath he turned the corner to enter the room.

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