Meeting the Soulmate

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    There is a tall, lanky, black haired guy sitting on the bed. He was typing on a computer while singing along to the song that was playing through the speakers. Didn't even notice I came in.

    He didn't put too much up in the bedroom. Just a couple of posters and a college banner. Looks like he's going to Yuei, the college for the exceptionally talented. At least now he is talented in something. He's also somewhat minimalistic. He barely moved anything into our apartment.

    The closet also didn't really have much in it. Just two different nice outfits and that's it. Seriously, what's up with this guy? My clothes alone take up at least three quarters of the remaining space.

    He still hasn't noticed me, or at least said anything. He's lost in his own little world. At least he has good taste in music. Still, our designated days off are meant for us to get to know each other.

    His phone rang, pulling him from the world he was lost in. He paused the music and leaned backwards to grab his phone. His shirt pulled up a tad, letting me get a look at his waist. Long body, skinny waist, and neutral looks. A model in the making. I guess whoever it is isn't important because he leaves it to just ring.

    "Like hell I'm going to answer that." He says with a groan, while using this as an opportunity to stretch. He really does have the perfect build for some of my work. I know I put that I wanted someone who wouldn't mind modeling but damn. "Oh, you must be my soulmate." Shit, he noticed me.

    He closes his laptop with his foot so he doesn't have to sit up. This man is determined to not have to get up now. Honestly I don't want to be up right now either, but there is no way I'm laying down to take a nap.

    "You could have said something and gotten my attention you know. I was just doing a bit of light reading until you got back. We didn't get to meet before you went out this morning."

    How do I tell him that I actually couldn't say something? The problem with not socializing much, I don't learn this stuff. I usually have someone ahead of me to explain this stuff. Oh! I'll just point to my mouth and then wave my hand in front of my neck.

    "Oh, you can't talk. Well that's alright. You can write, right? We can pass notes. I think I have a notebook that doesn't have anything important in it." He doesn't find it weird, or question it? He just thinks of a solution.

    Sure enough he pulls a notebook out from under the bed. He also grabs two pens from the night table. He taps the space beside him. I guess we are doing this.


    I have learned this so far. His name is Hanta Sero. He is indeed a Yuei student. He actually moved to Japan just for Yuei. It was his dream school. He had no idea about the Soul thing we do here though, so I'm Soulmates with someone who didn't grow up learning about it. Then I guess it makes sense why it took so long for us to get to leave. They had to properly get his information into the system.

    I of course introduced myself to him. I'm not a student. I've been working since I started high school. Once I graduated I just put more time into my work, pushing myself to do as much as I can.

    His phone rang again so we pause the note passing before we get to discuss anything else. Apparently this is a call he wants to answer. However he puts it on speaker and begins writing his next question.

    "Yellow." What kind of greeting is that?

    "Heyo! Enjoying your new apartment? I'm going to miss living with you." Oh. His former roommate.

What do you do for a living?

    "Yea but you live with your Soulmate now. Don't you prefer that over some foreigner?"

    I slide my answer over to him. I make clothes and occasionally model if I need extra cash. Simple answer.

    "She's great, amazing even, but I've only ever lived with guys. I don't know the first things about living with a chick." This dude is hopeless.

That's cool. If you ever need help just ask. He's already offering.

    "Just keep the place clean and listen when she says something. Not that hard." This guy, he's smart when it comes to people. That's good.

    "Thanks. Hey, would you and your soulmate like to hang out? I'm sure Ashido would love to meet you." Oh god no. He's friends with the social type.

    Hanta looks at me and I write my answer.

I would prefer not to go out. People may recognize me.

    Can they come over? Is that fine?

Alright. So long as they don't mess up my stuff.

    "He said it's cool if you come over, but he won't be leaving our apartment."

    I think this guy just might not be as bad as I thought my soulmate would be. He is understanding and so far hasn't tried forcing me out of my comfort zone.

    "Ok Katsuki. He said they'll be here soon. Is there anything else about you I should know before they get here?"

    I don't know what else he'll need to know. I'm not used to this kind of thing. I usually avoid people outside of work, but something felt wrong about declining the offer to meet up with his friend. I guess we'll find out when they get here. 

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