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Oh well Midoriya and Bakugo's fight was dramatic. Well, I mean  I'm not surprised. It's Izuku and Bakugou. Besides, Izuku is the protagonist of this anime anyway.

But I'm gonna have to work about my own.

I registered in Telekinesis, so of obviously that's what I'll use, should I just let the other team win? But that would make All Might suspicious, since he's expecting something out of me..

Bakugo is THAT shaken up by the fight? I mean-- I can see it in his eyes.

"For round two, Team B is the Hero, and Team I is the Villain."

Oh well, its our turn now. Too bad.

I'm craving some sweets right now...

"Ojiro-kun! Saiku-kun! I'm going all in and removing my gloves and boots." said Hagakure as she took off her gloves, "Okay.." Said Ojiro, nodded Kusuo.

[ Hagakure.. It's the right choice as an invisible hero.. But not for a young girl. ] You can't even see her anyway.

"Wh--- Don't look!" Said Hagakure flustered, It's not like we can see you though?

"I can't anyway.." Said Ojiro.

"The Indoor battle training, round two starts now!"

Oh well.. I mean I could just let them win but again, like I said earlier it would raise suspicion to All Might. Good grief.

And now, It starts.

*Kusuo's POV

Then suddenly, the whole building froze. Well I guess it really started now, they've already taken action, I'll take action when they find us.

Both me and Ojiro's feet was frozen with ice, footsteps were heard from the hallway infront of us, as Todoroki finally came in.

Ojiro went into a stance as I just stayed still, Unfazed, "You can move, But it'll be hard to fight with your skin torn off." He said as he continued to walk forward to us, he already passed us as I then, took action.


[ I can't move. ]

I used my Telekinesis to push him away to the wall.

*Third Person POV

Todoroki was pushed to the wall by the wind, startled he stood up quickly, Kusuo then took a peice of ice, and threw it to his feet using his Telekinesis with a small force making the ice break, Todoroki furrowed his eyebrows.

I shouldn't be too flashy. I'll just end this short.

Kusuo used his telekinesis to throw a peice of ice to Todoroki, Todoroki swiftly dodged as the peice of ice broke the wall.

This left a shocked but amazed Todoroki, after all it was only a small peice of ice that made such huge impact. Trust me, you wouldn't want to know when it's on full impact.

Ojiro was just frozen.. In shock, he didn't expect this from Kusuo.

Kusuo broke the ice that froze Ojiro's feet, Ojiro felt relieved that he broke it. Ojiro was then floating, "Huh?!" Ojiro responded as he was still just stuck floating.

He did the same to the male in front of them, who had no choice but to just try to use his ice to shoot to Kusuo, who only just use telekinesis to stop it from hurting him.

Then suddenly 2 more floating people had joined, which was Mezo Shoji and Hagakure.

"What the?--"

Maybe I shouldn't have done that.

I know it's just telekinesis but now that they've seen me do THAT they might think that I could easily just catch alot of villains with it... That's why.. All I need is to go back in time to do the he fight again.

Though it might seem stupid I just don't want any attention.

··········Todoroki swiftly dodged the small price of ice that was thrown, making the wall behind him break, he was both amazed and shocked at the same time, he averted his attention back to Kusuo as he made ice come out of the floor under Kusuo who was now floating, beside him was a shocked Ojiro.

Kusuo decided to break the ice under Ojiro's feet, 'Go and check Hagakure, I'll deal with this guy.' spoke Kusuo to Ojiro telepathically.

Ojiro nodded as he ran, Todoroki was more focused on Kusuo.

Todoroki shot spiky ice at Kusuo who dodged them all still keeping the "weapon" safe.

He took more peices of ice and kept throwing it to Todoroki, though Todoroki managed to successfully dodge the rest, the last one was too fast that he got hit. And sent him flying to the wall as the wall broke.


Todoroki was now running forward to Kusuo, Making spikes along the way as Kusuo dodged them and broke them at the same time.

[ I won't let him win.]

Well too bad.

Kusuo and Ojiro and Hagakure had won the match.

Both Todoroki and Mezo was captured.

"The Villain team Wins!" Announced All Might.


"Man, what a quirk."

"Okay, let's all meet back and access round two, then start round three."

Are you really just gonna end here?


Lazy-ass bi--


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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