Setting the Stage

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17th of Thermidor, 1639
Above the skies of Quila near the Qua-Toynian Border
1:00 PM

The skies above Quila is a perfect day for 'Skull Squadron' of Quila's Wyvern Force to perform a routine patrol as usual. Their pure and selective bred wyverns were of the best quality comparable to that of its hostile neighbor, Qua Toyne and they were piloted by some of the best riders they have to offer. One of these riders is Captain Kabir, who is a stern middle-aged beastfolk resembling a bald-headed eagle in his 40s leading the 'Skull Squadron' in a vic formation. They are getting wary of incursions from both Qua-Toyne's and Louria's Military as there are frequent confrontations and minor clashes on all sides in either land, sea, and air.

So far, their routine patrol didn't detect any incursions yet and on the other hand, two of Kabir's fellow squadron riders took their time to have a conversation with each other as the rest of the riders were on a lookout on all sides for any of Qua-Toyne's Wyvern Force that could suddenly appear from the clouds or below.

(ARB) "Where are those long-eared guys at? Last time we met them, Those fuckers literally turned tail and I want them to damn smash their faces." A rider said with a slight tone of frustration.

(ARB) "Calm down Ghazi, We'll meet those guys again. You'll get to do your own thing to those tree huggers." Another rider replied reassuring his friend.

(ARB) "Tsk, As if that would happen, These Qua-Toynians always fly away like bugs and it's a goddamn hassle."Ghazi said.

(ARB) "Agreed but we'll catch one of them someday. Just wait for the right time my friend... the right time."

(ARB) "I get you brother, But anyway, Have you heard rumors of a wyvern rider single handedly taking down an entire squadron ?"

(ARB) "Where did you hear that kind of absurdity, There's no way those tree folks can down an entire squadron" Ghazi questioned the credibility of the rumor

(ARB) "My friends from the Mahabith told me this info, Don't know if they are for real but it's interesting to bring it up." He replied.

(ARB) "What did they say about this tree hugger? Do they know the identity?"

(ARB) "Based on what my friend told me, I think they describe the rider as having long blonde hair... and custom-made armor made from mithril and get this, It is designed for women."

(ARB) "So the rider is a woman, Since when did those tree folk begin to accept women into military service?"

(ARB) "Don't know, But I guess they are getting desperate for manpower."

(ARB) "I see, You seem to know a lot of things Akeem and to think you've brought this rumor up means that I'm eager to face up a challenge."

(ARB) "Heh, Bet on that."

(ARB) "Alright, pipe down you two, We'll be entering the hot zone and be on the lookout for any Qua Toynian Riders." Kabir said to them.

The squadron as planned began to fly through the hot zone where frequent confrontations happen between Qua-Toynian and Quilan Riders. They were prepared for any dogfighting to come as they knew that Qua-Toynian riders are very sly and quick but with Captain Kabir's eagle vision, Their worries and concerns were at ease knowing that Kabir is proved to be an excellent leader and his heightened vision meant that he could warn his squadron early of any threats allowing him to take little-to-no losses when the initial engagements begin.

It has been an uneventful 10 minutes passing through 'hot zone' and so far, no Qua Toynian Riders were detected. Kabir was displeased about this, hoping for any engagements with the Qua Toynians. As they were about to return to base, Kabir saw a white figure flying in front of the squadron in the distance and it created a buzzing sound that he had never heard before. Two of his squadron riders who resembled a crow also saw the figure and they sensed it as the figure was shiny that it would make a fortune. The sound of the buzzing drew near and the figure halfway almost became visible to the naked eye of everyone else and they were astonished by how it looked. For them, It looked like it was a new type of dragon that can fly without flapping its wings and everyone kept thinking about it until...

(ARB) "Everyone Evade!" Kabir shouted at his fellow squadron members as the plane got nearer, almost colliding with the white figure.

And evade they did, with one of the riders experiencing a near-miss collision with the figure and luckily no damage or injury had been inflicted. The Captain intuitively began to follow the white figure and the rest of his squadron followed suit trying to catch up with this strange looking dragon. They saw the white flying object descending slowly and banking to the left and everyone knew it was heading for the capital of Barrat which worried everyone that this dragon might go on a rampage to destroy the capital.

(ARB) "Captain! That thing is heading to the Royal Capital and we have to take it down no matter what!" An owl folk rider urged the Captain to take the thing down.

(ARB) "I agree with him Captain, If that dragon reaches the capital, the city is done for!" Another rider who is a pigeon folk backed the owl's previous statement.

Kabir thought of the same thing but knowing that wyverns attack cities in hordes and sometimes the squadrons coupled with the fact that it's a unique one albeit it didn't flap its wings. Though it didn't try to attack the squadron at first and if it did, He would've ordered it to shoot it down immediately. As such, The captain then ordered.

(ARB) "Four of you, take positions and ready your fireballs. Only fire when I say so! The rest, Keep up the pace and follow me." Kabir pointed and ordered four of his squadron members to take position and they did so as they went behind the object preparing their fireballs to shoot at the craft.

Near the skies above Barrat
1:27 PM

Kabir and the rest of his squadron finally caught up with the object as it was about to approach Barrat. Upon looking at its right side, It had a window that he found it weird that this particular dragon has windows. He also noted that the wings have four bulges with black sticks spinning which he thought that those bulges keep the object flying. What made him more surprised is the symbol of the White Sun which is only emblazoned in places of worship is now seen embellished in this weird dragon.

(ARB) "Captain, This dragon has the White Sun symbol... Do we have to shoot this thing down...?" One of the riders saw the symbol too and he felt uneasy shooting this object down knowing that the White Sun is a sacred symbol and attacking it would mean harsh penalties.

(ARB) "No, Keep following this thing and prepare to fire should it try to shoot at the Capital."

The squadron members kept following the object while the rest maintained their aim at the object readying to shoot their fireballs when ordered to. The white object then began to bank right and Kabir's squadron tried to keep up with it as at that moment, Sirens blare in every district of Barrat from the moment the unknown object entered Barratian Airspace and Kabir saw the garrison manning the Anti-Wyvern Guns and soldiers readying their Mana Muskets aiming at the white thing. He knew he had to do something about this suspicious object until...

(ARB) "Sir, It's flying away!" Another rider pointed at the said object as it began to rapidly climb away from the city.

Kabir's squadron members tried to catch up to the plane and maintain their aim, but the strong and unsteady air movements emitted by the object caused wyvern riders to briefly lose control and finally lose track of it as it reached the altitude that wyverns can't reach. Kabir was intrigued by this object and thought to himself as to what was this lone object doing above Quila and what is their purpose. His biggest fear being that it is from Qua-Toyne but he knew that there is no way that the object is purely built from Qua-Toyne as it bore the insignia of the White Sun. Another thought is that it came from another country that was never in Quilan Maps; however, he thought of it as absurd as the maps he bought from Parpaldia show that there are no countries existing in the East.

(ARB) "Captain, The object reached a height where our wyverns can't pursue. We're sorry for our incompetence, Captain."

(ARB) "It's alright, The important thing to note is it didn't cause any damage in the capital and casualties to our squadron." Kabir assured the rider as he understood the reason his squadron members lost pursuit of the object. "Anyway, Return back to base and report for debriefing."

(ARB) "Yes sir!" They said to the Captain.

The squadron then descended slowly to Barrat's Wyvern Field preparing for an approach. One by one, they landed at the wyvern field and dismounted their respective wyvern as the ground crew will leave the rest in maintaining these reptiles.

Back at Barrat, The appearance of an unknown object above the capital shook everyone else, gave rise to fears and concerns of what it was doing above the capital and wondered why it didn't attack. Some think that it was a ploy to distract the entire Quilan Army to deal with the object while the others thought that it might be a new type of wyvern the Qua-Toynians or Lourians were using to perform a scouting mission. 

17th of Thermidor, 1639
Barrat, Quila Majlis
4:00 PM

Few hours after the sudden appearance of the white flying object, The Sultan convened with his generals and senior commanders on how to deal with the aftermath of the event. Some were nervous and some were calm as it was unprecedented for such an unidentified object to fly above the Capital and it didn't even attack the squadrons or buildings on sight. The Sultan Abdulmejid V saw everyone's faces and understood that such an event was unexpected that the garrison and the squadron patrolling the skies at the time failed to deal with the situation. He began to speak to give opening statements for the council meeting.

(ARB) "Salam my brothers, I have called the council to convene regarding the matter of this white object, Can anyone tell me what happened?"

One of the officials who happened to be the Marishal of the Wyvern Force named Enver stood up confidently and said to the Sultan.

(ARB) "Your Royal Highness, Debriefing from the Skull Squadron stated that they were in a routine patrol until the white object appeared right in front of them. They evaded it thanks to the timely action of Kabir and they kept following it but didn't shoot it down as the said object bore the symbol of the White Sun."

(ARB) "I see, Did the debriefing mention where the object came from?"

(ARB) "Yes sir, Kabir's debriefing also stated that the object came from the East and as far as I know, There are no existing countries in the East." Enver answered.

(ARB) "True, Is that all Marishal Enver?"

(ARB) "No Your Royal Highness, In addition, The capital is reported to have suffered no damage and no casualties are inflicted onto the squadron."

(ARB) "That's good to hear, You may sit down Marishal Enver." The Sultan said.

The Marishal then sat down after the Sultan told him to and now, He looked at the senior Grand Marishal of the Quilan Forces who is in his 60s resembling an Asiatic Lion. The sultan then asked him.

(ARB) "Mossadegh, Do we have any reported movements from the Qua-Toynians after the object appeared?" The Sultan looked at him expecting an answer.

Mossadegh then stood up and faced the Sultan saying to him.

(ARB) "None, Your Royal Highness, There are no troop movements reported by our scouts after the events in the capital. We could say that the Qua-Toynians aren't responsible for all of this."

(ARB) "Alright, How about the Navy? Any attempted incursions by them?"

(ARB) "The Navy has confirmed that no Qua-Toynian Vessel incursions were detected at the time of the sighting."

(ARB) "That's good to hear, Mossadegh, I want to double the patrols along our borders and our waters. I also want the Wyvern Force to be on alert for any further intrusions and shoot them down on sight."

(ARB) "Will do, Your Royal Highness."

(ARB) "Thank you Grand Marishal, Anyway, I expect everyone of you to ensure our readiness of our Military lest we get invaded off-guard by either the Qua-Toynians or Lourians. You are all dismissed?"

(ARB) "Yes Your Royal Highness" All of the Generals and Senior Commanders answered.

The session ended without any incident and everyone began to leave the room one by one with the Sultan and his aide being the last one to leave as he closed the door shut. 

A/N: ARB means Arab if you don't know. 

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