The Meeting

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22nd of February, 1639
Barrat, Quila
The Sultan's Palace
11:00 AM

The sultan chowed down on his favorite dish, kabsa while his servers stood in the corner of his private dining chamber, holding a wine decanter in case the Sultan wanted his chalice refilled with the fine wine. He enjoyed the dish his personal chef made, savoring every bit of meat and rice with the additional spices, giving it a strong flavor. The sultan briefly stopped eating for a moment and grabbed his chalice, drinking the wine. When he realized ‌the chalice was empty, He gestured to a servant to the table to refill his chalice with wine.

The servant moved forward to the Sultan's table, holding the wine decanter carefully, so it wouldn't break or spill. He then poured the wine into the chalice until it was full again. The sultan silently thanked the servant and motioned him to go back to his spot, which he did so. He then continued to eat, finishing half of the kabsa then drinking the wine again.

While he ate, He couldn't forget the fact that an unidentified creature with the mark of the White Sun was flying above the capital and its intentions. The sultan wondered if the messengers came back to save Quila from the Qua-Toynians. But he doubted that would be the case, as they could've sent a fleet somewhere in the seas of Barrat bringing along their soldiers.

When he was about to finish eating his dish, a knock on the door sounded and the Sultan stopped eating and glanced at the doorway where the knocking sound came from. He then said to the person who is behind the door,

(ARB)"You may come in."

The door opened , he looked at the doorway directly, showing to be a beastfolk in his 40s resembling that of a huge Brown Bear. He seemed to have a sense of urgency, as if the information he'll be passing was important. The bear then said to the Sultan.

(ARB)"Your Royal Highness, We received a message from the Main Fleet."

(ARB)"What is it this time? Qua-Toynians trespassing our waters again? Reply that they can deal with their tomfoolery." The sultan said, slightly frustrated at Qua-Toyne's previous Naval incursions.

(ARB)"No, Your Highness, they have sighted and approached an unidentified fleet off the coast of Barrat."

(ARB)"Go on." He asked the bear to continue.

(ARB)"They stated that the fleet's ships were so huge that it outsized our best ships and its structures are out of this world." He replied.

The information made the sultan surprised and worried, despite this unidentified fleet being described as huge and otherworldly. He then eased himself for a moment and then said to the bear,

(ARB)"Were they able to identify the affiliation of this fleet?" The sultan asked.

(ARB)"Yes Your Highness, The fleet came from the 'Republic of China'..." The bear answered having a bit of trouble to pronounce the word 'China'

(ARB)"Republic of China?"

(ARB)"Yes Your Highness, They also wrote that it's a large country east of us here."

(ARB)"Didn't our navy explore the easternmost part of the seas and find nothing in conclusion? Are they trying to fool me?" He said, knowing full well that there was no landmass in the East.

(ARB)"No, they didn't, Your Highness. It's a fact that there is no landmass east of us here but the sudden appearance of such a country east of us here has yet to be verified."

(ARB)"Right... So what is this 'China' doing in our territorial waters and what are their intentions?"

(ARB)"They are looking to establish diplomatic relations with our nation, Your Highness. And asked permission too if they could dock one of their ships at our port."

(ARB)"Send a reply to the Rear Admiral's fleet that we agree ‌they can dock one of their ships at our port and their request for diplomatic overtures, too. Oh and, tell Outsider Affairs that to pick a representative to conduct a meeting with these outsiders"

(ARB)"Will do, Your Highness, I'll take my leave."

(ARB)"Please do so."

The bear then left the Sultan's dining chamber, and the sultan then looked back at his almost finished kabsa, which he then continued to eat up the last remaining morsels on his plate. After he's done eating his dish, He drank his wine feeling refreshed and rested in his dining chair for a while, feeling full.

22nd of February, 1639
Barrat, Quila Majlis
Outsider Affairs Wing

1:10 PM

A well-groomed and well-dressed fluffy cat beast woman walks down the hallway prepared to meet the people she would be meeting today. She wondered if they were guests from the Parpaldia or the Milishials, but they didn't specify which country they were from, as her superiors vaguely stated that they now have important guests to meet and her task was to meet them straight away. It was her job as a diplomat to conduct this unexpected meeting between Quila and guests from an unknown country.

She arrived at the designated meeting room and then entered it where she saw two guests dressed in clothing similar to that of the Milishials already sitting at the table with one being in his 50s and the other being in his 20s. She also saw armed men wearing striped outfits with their helmets were also the same colors as their striped uniforms. They were carrying peculiar-looking black objects, assuming that it might be their weapons. What caught her sight is the symbol of the white sun at the side of the helmet, which she thought they might be the saviors as described in the legends.

After a brief look at these guests, the cat beast woman would then sit at the opposite side of the table where the guests were. After she sat down, she looked at the guests, prepared and ready to talk to them.

It would begin as the translator would convey the words of Jiang through the French language to the Quilan Representative as the Chinese delegates learned that it's likely that French is their lingua franca.

"Thank you for accepting our diplomatic overtures. I am Jiang Zemin, diplomat for the Republic of China, and beside me is my translator." Jiang said to her as his translator conveyed his statement to Farah.

"Likewise Mr. Jiang, I am Farah of the Quila Outsider Affairs and I will conduct this meeting between our two nations."

"That is good to hear, Ms. Farah, but first, we will introduce our own country."

"Alright, please do so." Farah said.

Jiang then put up his briefcase at the table, much to the curiosity of Farah, which impressed her because of the simple construction and simplicity of such an object that could carry documents anywhere securely. He then opened and rummaged through the case for a short time and took out the map of the Republic of China first, which he then placed on the table, allowing for Farah to view the map.

"Ms. Farah, the map in front of you is the Republic of China. We are the 3rd largest country back in our world measuring in 5,200,000 sq.mi, making up 6.3% of our old world's landmass."

"That big?!" Farah exclaimed. "Are you sure you got your numbers right, Mr. Jiang?" She asked, as if this country entirely outsized the four continents.

"Yes we do, Ms. Farah. There is no mistaking our calculations, we are that big." Jiang simply answered.

"I-I see.. Please continue further with your nation's introduction."

"With that big land of ours is a population of 1.138B with a strong GDP of $1.7T for a $17,577 GDP per capita."

Farah was even more shocked as if this 'China' is so rich and powerful that it could rival the Holy Milishial Empire or the Gra Valkas, heck, even the Internationale Alliance made up of the Unionists and the Communards.

"That big? How do you people manage such an enormous population that easily and could get your economy that big?" she said, keeping her cool despite the unbelievable information the man had stated.

"Simple, we have gone through a series of reforms and economic development thanks to the many leaders that have continued Chen Lifu's economic and social development."

"Right... Is that all you have to state, Mr. Jiang?"

"That's all I have to say, Ms. Farah. Now tell us, what country are we currently in right now?" Jiang asked.

"You are in the world of Omni, and the country we are in right now is the Sultanate of Quila, which is neighbors with the Kingdom of Qua-Toyne and the Kingdom of Louria."

"Qua-Toyne and Louria?" Jiang said, confused after hearing the unfamiliar country names for the first time.

"They are countries on the island of Rodenius, Mr. Jiang. Up north are our unruly Elven neighbors who kept intruding on our lands, but the mountain ranges there made sure they didn't go this far to take more land." Farah said with a slightly contemptuous look when she mentioned the elves. "West of us is the Kingdom of Louria. As far as I know, they are suffering from a famine and their leader has done nothing to solve a dire situation causing the nation to fracture into smaller territories of nobles that are fighting for each other for the Crown.."

"Interesting... Thank you for such important information." Jiang said to her, intrigued by the history of this 'Rodenius'.

"No problem at all. So now that we're done introducing both our nations, Let us go straight to the point of this meeting."

"Ah right, since this is our first ever meeting between both nations, on behalf of the Republic of China, we wish to establish diplomatic ties first and a Trade Agreement that will ‌benefit both our countries."

"We can agree to those proposals, Mr. Jiang. What goods would you sell to us once this trading agreement is in effect?"

"We can export food and clothing, Ms. Farah." He continued, "As your country's food production is likely low because of the environment you are in, we will sell foodstuffs to your country at a market price."

"Are you sure Mr. Jiang? Is your country willing to sell a huge amount of food to us?

"Yes." He assuredly said to Farah, "Onto the next point. We are offering your leader and his closest entourage a visit to China to see for themselves, a country they've never seen before in person."

Farah was glad that the Chinese could sell food, as her country needed much more food than ever with the growing population of the country. She was even much more interested in China when Jiang offered the sultan a visit to their country.

"The sultan would be glad that he'll be invited to visit your country. I will tell the sultan the offer once this meeting is done."

"I'm glad that you'll agree to our offer. That is it for today, Ms. Farah and I thank you for your time." Jiang then stood up and offered a handshake to her.

"No problem. We look forward to greater cooperation between our great nations." Farah stood up and shook hands with the Chinese diplomat concluding the first meeting between the Republic of China and Quila. 

A/N: writers block or am I just bad? further delayed that I have to repair muh laptop cuz battery eating so much food. Chapter is under consideration of rewriting

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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